It seems the main thing to come out of this thread so far is arriving to what looks like a group of folk that know each other well and merrily chatting.....rather than the reality of folk desperately trying to remember who they're talking to....

It would be good to hear ideas of how that could be improved. The double sided name tags is a must for a start
If after knowing how much effort you and hideeput into receeing the lanes you don't think I get how much you did then you're dafter than you look :p

What I was trying to suggest is that a number of people in different parts of the country have a number of lanes and routes they already know. What I suggested was that just having that knowledge was the least of the stuff needed for a weekend event. Now both of you stop being so touchy ...everyone bar none has raved about the laning you did a fantastic job....oh and btw....I never said a proper thanks for the sarnie on Friday morning :)

Not being touchy...just a little tongue in cheek. I actually spat my dummy out Sunday morning but got a hug from BB and FK so am over it now :). The feedback has been great about the whole event and that is good news. We need to look at ways to build on this success and make it a little easier on all of us next year. As for the're very welcome :hug:
Must admit we ain't been involved this year which I feel quite guilty about... reasons I'm not sure..maybe no time on the forum lately.. And I guess it arrived before we noticed.. It must of done cos I packed on Friday morning :eek: tbf don't think much change is needed.. Happy with loos, we took our own food as cheaper for us 3. Maybe more variety in the music..rock kinda tired of it after a few tunes. Bit more who is who would be good..I know name lanyards were great idea.. But forum names is a must not half names or first names.
did u pop up and ask for any particular songs/genres/requests?
Not being touchy...just a little tongue in cheek. I actually spat my dummy out Sunday morning but got a hug from BB and FK so am over it now :). The feedback has been great about the whole event and that is good news. We need to look at ways to build on this success and make it a little easier on all of us next year. As for the're very welcome :hug:

Was that when burco boiler went sideways and boiling water on my hand

Where there's blame-there's a CLAIM

Well yes some lessons have been learned from the laning and I have the utmost admiration for John and Heidi for their brilliant efforts in the organising of the laning event which after seeing how it all fell into place over the weekend I must admit I felt quite humbled.
So well done and thank you to you both.

John and I took a few out laning on the Sunday and went off to have a look at some lanes i've not done for a good few years.
We came up with a plan for next year if the location stays at Stanford Hall and you are all happy for us to continue to organise the laning.
I thought everyone 'behind the scenes' did a bloody fantastic job considering we're a rag tag bunch from all corners of the country. I think the whole thing came together reet proper. I even enjoyed lami manating 20 odd bits of map and then piecing the jigsaw together on the Saturday.

The laning was ace. So much more driving it rather than being a passenger even when nearly losing Drover down an 'ole! As nrgserv has said the group gelled really well and had fun.

Can't wait for the next meet even if it's 'just' a few faces at a 'local' major LR event like BnW.
Well yes some lessons have been learned from the laning and I have the utmost admiration for John and Heidi for their brilliant efforts in the organising of the laning event which after seeing how it all fell into place over the weekend I must admit I felt quite humbled.
So well done and thank you to you both.

John and I took a few out laning on the Sunday and went off to have a look at some lanes i've not done for a good few years.
We came up with a plan for next year if the location stays at Stanford Hall and you are all happy for us to continue to organise the laning.

you did a hell of a lot of work also, so well done you and Sunday was brill
so feedback I have taken from the thread..

1)music was great and not too loud
2)music was too loud
3)got bored of the music after a few songs..

you tend to at any function get people at the end of an event who say "ere you never played any songs I like" did you request those particular songs? "errm no"

volume will always be too loud to some and just right to others and not loud enough to others aswell

music selection is easy as was pointed out by me on numerous times throughout the eve
if you would like anything in particular played "ask for it"

to those that did enjoy it and I hope there was a few ..thankyou :)
so feedback I have taken from the thread..

1)music was great and not too loud

2)music was too loud

3)got bored of the music after a few songs..

you tend to at any function get people at the end of an event who say "ere you never played any songs I like" did you request those particular songs? "errm no"

volume will always be too loud to some and just right to others and not loud enough to others aswell

music selection is easy as was pointed out by me on numerous times throughout the eve

if you would like anything in particular played "ask for it"

to those that did enjoy it and I hope there was a few ..thankyou :)

Yep, I enjoyed it. Bit different songs to usual which made a nice change.

I can't say the volume bothered me one way or the other.
It was great to see people dancing, if my better half had been there she'd have dragged me onto the dance floor so that was a lucky escape for everyone :eek:
We did have the option (nearly enforced upon us) of running our own bar which would have meant we could have sold it cheaper and maybe made a few quid but the issue is the same as the food....

How much to buy in, what if we run out/have loads left?

It was a relief tbh when the offer of a bar was made as it was one less thing to worry about.

There was a standby panic team and I'm sure it would've been great.

what about saying people can put an order in (and pay) by X date of a limited list of what's available at the local cash n carry. then someone local pops in and picks it up.

if people want to have something different or miss the deadline, then they bring their own.

so basically byob, but with provision for a limited selection to be picked up by someone making a run.
what about saying people can put an order in (and pay) by X date of a limited list of what's available at the local cash n carry. then someone local pops in and picks it up.

if people want to have something different or miss the deadline, then they bring their own.

so basically byob, but with provision for a limited selection to be picked up by someone making a run.
I think it was difficult enough getting people to actually commit to buying tickets in the first place,let alone committing to drinks orders :)
I thought it worked really well. There are always gonna be a couple of things people are
not happy with. But these were overshadowed by ALL the things that DID work as planned
at about the time they were planned. Easier said than done !

I think it was difficult enough getting people to actually commit to buying tickets in the first place,let alone committing to drinks orders :)

that's why a cutoff date. if no-one bothers, then they have to bring their own.

(in reality buy 5 cases for the muppets who turn up empty handed :))
I thought it worked really well. There are always gonna be a couple of things people are
not happy with. But these were overshadowed by ALL the things that DID work as planned
at about the time they were planned. Easier said than done !



even though i didn't go. well done for doing it. it sounds like it improved.. which is great!

hopefully next year.

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