I for one found it a good weekend, I only knew neil, kate, sue n zip (oh n young jack n doggies) before I went there, I didn't know anyone personally from the Yorkshire convoy, only from chatting on here, when I got to steve's (b20wnx) house first I was greeted with a cup of lovely tea, then met up with the rest at wooley, me n sarah has some fun on the way down with the cb's (well sarah sang to me lol) you would've thought we were all old mates when we arrived!

the greeting on arrival by everyone was fantastic was made to feel welcome, as said before the name tags caused problems twisting round (did say I was gonna put my name on both sides but never got round to it) once I was sorted I meandered down to the marquee, met some more folk and got chatting to most, I thoroughly enjoyed it, soz I didn't make it to the disco on sat night but my vertigo got the better of me, so just sat round my firepit.

I do as lot of bike events and I am yorks rep for a bike club, we have a bandit national rally every year (similar to landyzone event) when it first started not many people attended, but as the years have gone by and the club has grown we have loads n loads attend now, because we have area reps what we do is arrange it every year to be somewhere different up and down the country, this year we are off to bonny Scotland!! But we also pay a yearly membership fee that covers the event cost plus a free meal on the sat night for full members.

Now I know this isn't possible with landyzone but as a biking fraternity we obviously have problems getting places to pitch the tents and have a good weekend, if you decide to hold one in Yorkshire I don't mind helping out, we could ask squires café bar, as they have huge fields, caravan pitches, showers, loos n a café/pub!! they hold allsorts of events there, so a few landy's I'm sure wouldn't be a problem and as a few of you will know some fantastic laning round there (I'm sure sue and a few more locals would sort the laning out)

the laning was good, the food that I had was fantastic, was great that when we rolled up on Friday we didn't have to **** about cooking! and the curry n chilli were gorgeous on sat, whish I had known there was so much left would've purchased some to bring home with me.

I always take my own beer to every camping do I go to, I'm from Yorkshire and too tight to pay for it lol

I had no problems with the music, loved watching peter dancing round on friday night lol

I had no issues with doggies, I don't think sleeping near the marquees is a good idea cos of the noise n those early birds getting up n going for a cuppa :)

I agree that we could've done with a blue loo at the top end of the field (ladies n gents one)

I have no gripes what so ever n think everyone who organized it did damn well :D

What wi you calling me Sarah and Steve calling me Claire. I'm like the elusive sh..a..dow ;)
Couldn't be arsed I didn't intend to stay as long as I did.

Majority haven't complained.. Take no notice of me. :p

I was like that Saturday night, after being completely inebriated Friday (ie literally fell out of the toilet block and couldn't walk straight :D)

Nice to finally meet you and Pikey :)
I was like that Saturday night, after being completely inebriated Friday (ie literally fell out of the toilet block and couldn't walk straight :D)

Nice to finally meet you and Pikey :)

I nealy fell out the marquee twice Friday I was that hammered .:D
But there's no pic's so it didn't happen..:cool:
I think waking up in a boiling hot tent makes you feel you have a hang over... I had loads of water when I woke up and felt fine after being for half an hour :)

Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough with my beer intake :(
It was great to see people dancing,

Yeah .. er ... sorry about that! I blame the good choons, or WLM, he has broad shoulders so can take it .. ;)

It seems like it was a fantastic event for everyone.

I'm slightly disappointed that there was no epic yellow90-style feckwittedness with regard to ditches on the landing pics.

Yeah, laning was a doddle to lead, not much chance of feckwittery of any kind .. though the lifting of locked gates and ducking through height restrictions was fun ..

I nealy fell out the marquee twice Friday I was that hammered .:D
But there's no pic's so it didn't happen..:cool:

You, fall ... nah .... wait a minute, was it you?
I think waking up in a boiling hot tent makes you feel you have a hang over... I had loads of water when I woke up and felt fine after being for half an hour :)

Maybe I wasn't trying hard enough with my beer intake :(

Was boiling hot in the mornings. I felt as rough as a badgers bum Saturday morning, hence my sobriety Saturday night. Couldn't do that again :D we brought 5 bottles of wine for the weekend and they were all gone Saturday morning.

Come on..own up. Who pinched them? :D:D
Was boiling hot in the mornings. I felt as rough as a badgers bum Saturday morning, hence my sobriety Saturday night. Couldn't do that again :D we brought 5 bottles of wine for the weekend and they were all gone Saturday morning.

Come on..own up. Who pinched them? :D:D

I had 16 bottles of corona on the Friday :eek:
Fine looking women, ya don't want gut like mine or other fellow male lz members:p

There is a reason I work out yer know... It's so I can drink and not get fat(ter)...

My aim for next is to lose about half a stone before lz weekend so I can eat the entire tray of that chocolate monstrosity a.k.a heaven that ponty made.

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