:hug: thank you :D

Are you sure that's ok? I really don't mind posting it back... I really had no intention of stealing it!

If i've got it kitted out in time for the next show it might do some off-roading... happy to give you a ride round in it :D (but no driving... :crazy_driver: ) - no point owning a Land Rover if it never goes off-road! :D

Yeah, youse can have it - we was only pulling your pi %%$ - leg :D

you can't help it if you have memory problems at your age - :eek: :p
Pikey is training you well... on the tea leafing side of things :D

You must be right cos we seem to have gained more than when we got there and pikey was busy doin body cappins, drinkin and goin on the off road course with freddy :eek: :D
It's got enough from the supermarket car park.

Park as far away from the door as possible in a open area... still get idiots parking next to me then scratching down the side with bags or trolleys. :mad:

I know exactly what you mean! No matter how 'out of the way' I put my Disco in the supermarket car parks, it ALWAYS attracts someone to park close to it - even when the rest of the car park is almost empty.

Do you think LR use a special kind of 'attraction' paint ???????
Do you think LR use a special kind of 'attraction' paint ???????

I reckon so... my ownership of a 'fender when I was 17 was the only reason i got with my now wife... though she was 14 at the time so any car probably would have done it :eek:
It escalates! The admin has now blocked me from his own profile for asking why I was banned for unknowingly outing a ringer :rolleyes:
He's unblocked me and replied with

"Luk m8 im not avin ppl fightin on my site. Its up 2 me 2 stop it we all get on if u av got a problem with anyone or anyones truck pm them dont do it on my page thats y ive removed u end OF!"

I replied to this with

"I didn't start a fight, the caption beckoned the question and looking at the pictures its pretty obvious its not tax exempt.
The owner knows its a ringer and so does the builder of it, they were both at the show and if he hadn't gotten so defensive no fight would have been started about the legality of his obvious tax dodger.
With any luck the one day the police will stop him and send it to VOSA for a check up and that'll be one less ringer on the road"

Ahhh feck it have some screenshots………..

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We're waiting...

Hmm... i'm now a member of that page, as is pikey... ... ... :)

Its edited into the post above :) feel free to confront the idiot then!

Admin is who I'm talking to or was, and rowan tucker is the owner of the hybrid ringer
Funnily enough my missus commented on how nice the ginger thing looked, until I told her it shouldn't look that new and was probably a bit iffy for the tax thing.

I did pop round and say hello but you lot were either to busy filling yer mugs wi' cake or trying to undo the nut an bolts on tha black fender roof.
Funnily enough my missus commented on how nice the ginger thing looked, until I told her it shouldn't look that new and was probably a bit iffy for the tax thing.

I did pop round and say hello but you lot were either to busy filling yer mugs wi' cake or trying to undo the nut an bolts on tha black fender roof.

Ah, sorry about that. You should've stomped right on in and demanded to know where the kettle and cake were, we'd've known you were a member then :D

That wuz Pikeys 110

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