This "tax exempt" thing is meant to be at BnW too from the looks of facebook posts! Not very exempt looking to me :rolleyes:


One Piece At A Time Johnny Cash - YouTube

thats the series 2a, range rover classic two door 2008 axle, my mate,misses, I know a lot of people one.

Funny how he couldn't answer a simple question-who would pile money into a vehicle that would get seized as identity uncertain for a mere £225 a year.

he called a stubby gob****e over for backup aka the owner of said series2 classic exempt etc. he gave it gob so I just told him that this was lz pitch and to #### off.

it was also parked less conspicuously after comments.

Oh and the owner and his monkey get ****ty about photo's - but take it to a show-wtf

Evil wound them right up

If it's a tax dodge so be it-but their story was ever changing
thats the series 2a, range rover classic two door 2008 axle, my mate,misses, I know a lot of people one.

Funny how he couldn't answer a simple question-who would pile money into a vehicle that would get seized as identity uncertain for a mere £225 a year.

he called a stubby gob****e over for backup aka the owner of said series2 classic exempt etc. he gave it gob so I just told him that this was lz pitch and to #### off.

it was also parked less conspicuously after comments.

Oh and the owner and his monkey get ****ty about photo's - but take it to a show-wtf

Evil wound them right up

If it's a tax dodge so be it-but their story was ever changing

Listen to the song....

I got it one piece at a time and it didn't cost me a dime
You'll know it's me when I come through your town
I'm gonna ride around in style, I'm gonna drive everybody wild
'Cause I'll have the only one there is around............

Uh, what model is it?

Well, it's a '49, '50, '51, '52, '53, '54, '55, '56
'57, '58' 59' automobile
It's a '60, '61, '62, '63, '64, '65, '66, '67
'68, '69, '70 automobile
thats the series 2a, range rover classic two door 2008 axle, my mate,misses, I know a lot of people one.

Funny how he couldn't answer a simple question-who would pile money into a vehicle that would get seized as identity uncertain for a mere £225 a year.

he called a stubby gob****e over for backup aka the owner of said series2 classic exempt etc. he gave it gob so I just told him that this was lz pitch and to #### off.

it was also parked less conspicuously after comments.

Oh and the owner and his monkey get ****ty about photo's - but take it to a show-wtf

Evil wound them right up

If it's a tax dodge so be it-but their story was ever changing

Might just be simpler (And more accurate) to refer to it as the stolen one...?
Sounds like a good weekend:D

Nice to see I was there in spirit- piccy of me fording on charity board:)

Ere's my pics..






Had a great weekend. Actual show was a waste of time. Feel sorry for anyone who paid full whack to get in.. As said great to meet new face and old one's

Cheers to HamsterBerg for bringing the BallBar to the show for me. Much appreciated (I'll stick Memmap on a stick and post it to you)
Thanks also to Dogsbody for the Box of lights Spanners & invertor.. Also greatly appreciated..

And to everyone at the show who helped with getting the Body Cappings changed.
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MudFeaver turned up yesterday with LOADS OF CAKE :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Although it mostly went in about 5 minutes.

I'm back home now, after a more successful 2hr 30 min journey home (compared to 7 there)

Good company and a good laugh. Not loads going off at the show, but, plenty of activity on the LZ stall :)

To whom ever supplied the lovely curry on the Friday night and provided us all with Sporks (asking nicely they were returned) I managed to steal it... can you PM me your address so I can return it to you... sorry :eek:

Aahhh Bump - you tealeaf !!!

:p :rolleyes:
They's banned me from that defender page…….the bastids!

Sent the admin a PM asking why when all I did was ask about the possibility of an illegal vehicle on his page before it was in fact confirmed! :D
:eek: I know... terrible huh :eek:

If you let me have your address Dippy i'll get it back to you... It has been properly washed... with fairy liquid too... so... it's probably better than most of them :D

You shall be forever known as a 'Furtive Fief' - :D :p ;)

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