I'm doing the 4th stage of the salzburg alpen cup tomorrow so all being well it should stay that colour as well!
yeah will do. it will be mostly jeeps and suzukis again so hopefully i should have no problems. but i guess its more about the drivers than the machines themselves. we will see
Hi all, I found this blog this morning which has a fair few landy photos, although if you click the ones hosted by flickr, you can also view more landy images aswell there are some really nice ones of a series one if you hunt around.

Photo Link


Hi all, I found this blog this morning which has a fair few landy photos, although if you click the ones hosted by flickr, you can also view more landy images aswell there are some really nice ones of a series one if you hunt around.

Photo Link



Thanks for the mention Ollie. Blog's still new - but growing! :)
Michelle (the LandyChick)
saxon what do you do for a job out there? i would love to live in austria. been to both switzerland and austria skiing and definately preferred austria
at the moment I am working along with my step father. we are building a hotel and about 40 houses, well trying to. its complecated! but normally I am a teacher. been teaching English for about 10 years in all different places around europe. started in Poland where i stayed for 4 years, then portugal, Barcelona, back east to Belarussia and finaly here in Austria. Change of work but the principle is the same
If you fancy working here thought there is plenty of "seasonal work" available, just depends on how flexible you are

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