Austria of all places. not bad in the summer. ****ing cold in the winter

s'funny cos i always think of austria as a snowy place .... ya know winter olympics an all that stuff ... i'm prolly talkin oot me arse tho ...
yeah i thought that when i moved here but alas the summers are pretty nice. lots of mountains to play on as well!
I drove it over here. went through france, spain, italy, slovenia and germany. took about 4 weeks. you can't get a decent 4x4 here. they are into jeeps mostly
jammy git ..... i'm not rich enough to do stuff like that ..... but if i was i'd do the sane thing .... i'd just bugger off and stop when i felt like it ....
just figured out how to put pictures up on this thing. sorry for all the images, spose i should try and work out how to add them to a gallery. not so hot on computers
i'm not good wi pooters .... dam things is confusin .... :cool:

what colour is yer motor ??? that not a landrover colour is it ??
naaa dunt take yer piccies off ... i'm sure he was jokin .... and that colour looks the dogs danglys ....

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