whys he gorra glass ammer in it ??? shirley thats quite easy to get out of ... it aint got no doors .... even wiv doors its easy , yu only ave to lean on umm and they open ...... i fell out o mine loads a times .... :cool:
think i may convert mine in the same way. be perfect. probably keep the seats though, standing up all that time may be tiresome
its bin ****in down all over the place .... i tho it wer followin me at one point ..... i aint bin dry fer about a week ..... :mad: i hate rain .....:mad:
Aye tell me about it! Mind you, me bus has never bin so clean (inside and out);) :D :D
Take a brolly just in case. thats the down side of a convertable i spose

tint a convertable is it ?? its a soft top ... thats wot theys called ....
or in his case a no top .....

this is topless ..... and it wer freezin but i looked fabulous i did ... :cool:


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