thanks to all that attended lz11 imho was a great success the marquee setup I thought was great .

I hope everyone liked the tunes I tried not to play any of that modern day crap lol.
there was certainly some new characters as well as the old ones ( pauld and vince and top cat )

I hope to get some more time on the forum now so yes you will have to put up with me :) work has settled down to a more manageable pace now..

big thanks to all those who put in the hardwork to make lz11 a big success
I finally arrived back home at 3am after the 3 hr drive

and yes that was mod 1 that made a brief appearance to collect his raffle prize :)
So when can we buy tickets for LZ12?
It's been said before, but serious thanks to all who put so much work, thought, blood, sweat and (probably) tears as well into making this a truly great weekend.

Photos to follow when I've sorted them.

And wasn't it brilliant to be able to put faces to names!
did you have a whippet type dog fanny? if so mate sorry if i did not say hello,did not know it was you
So when can we buy tickets for LZ12?
It's been said before, but serious thanks to all who put so much work, thought, blood, sweat and (probably) tears as well into making this a truly great weekend.

Photos to follow when I've sorted them.

And wasn't it brilliant to be able to put faces to names!

not sure who you were either sorry,sussed some peeps but not all
Never thought I'd miss my bathtub lol

It was a fun weekend for sure, will certainly try to make it again next year :D Thinking I should come in something bigger next time, all the Defenders looked really cool, or the "easy" lanning route could be actually easy! :eek:

I don't have many pictures but will get around posting them eventually.

Couple of pics on here peter if you've not seen them lol
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Excellent tunes mate .. cracking weekend, good laning, good weather, good people, good food and beer, good Pay 'n Play, what more to be said?

Big thanks to those who put it together again, very much appreciated by the drunken dancer .. ;)

Loved it, roll on LZ12 ... ;)

oh you were drunk lol..

cheers bud this year was a cracker imho I reckon the smaller setup allround worked far better
A big thank you to Sam and Rob for doing the catering...the curry was excellent. I know how hard you both worked. Hopefully next year you will be able to relax and enjoy the event more :hug:
Top event. Many thanks to all. Us lot loved it and even bigger news SWMBO has said camping is actually quite enjoyable. Kids had a whale of a time. Drover is yet to get home as he's a bit icky but he assured me it was great playing with his new Landy mates.
did you have a whippet type dog fanny? if so mate sorry if i did not say hello,did not know it was you

not sure who you were either sorry,sussed some peeps but not all
Linda's more noticable than me, she was chatting to your much BH on Sunday morning before laning.
A big thank you to Sam and Rob for doing the catering...the curry was excellent. I know how hard you both worked. Hopefully next year you will be able to relax and enjoy the event more :hug:

+1 it was brilliant thank you. Little Rooh loved the curry :D - Her nappy didnt after mind :(
Yep the curry was very tasty... all the food was great, i wasn't happy this morning when i had to make my own brekkers!
So when can we buy tickets for LZ12?
It's been said before, but serious thanks to all who put so much work, thought, blood, sweat and (probably) tears as well into making this a truly great weekend.

Photos to follow when I've sorted them.

And wasn't it brilliant to be able to put faces to names!

Mrs Vil wouldnt stop talking about next years event and how she wants to go etc etc

so get it sorted :D
did you have a whippet type dog fanny? if so mate sorry if i did not say hello,did not know it was you

not sure who you were either sorry,sussed some peeps but not all

Yeah that was me complete with a wrap around bendy bus of a dog on me.and moon chair sunday and my daughter playing with your and pontyslapper's kids
Never thought I'd miss my bathtub lol

It was a fun weekend for sure, will certainly try to make it again next year :D Thinking I should come in something bigger next time, all the Defenders looked really cool, or the "easy" lanning route could be actually easy! :eek:

I don't have many pictures but will get around posting them eventually.

;) thinking 💭 outside the box;)
Thanks to everyone behind the scenes and over the weekend. Had a really good time. Hopefully see you next year.
So who will open the planning thread for next year?

What were your impressions people who went?

NO PROBS WITH THIS YEAR - REALLY ENJOTED IT - but how many more could have helped? So not all sh*t is taken on by a small few - or was I mistaken?

Thanks to all who spent their time making such an enjoyable event.

However to involve the unheard populous :
Event location - to stop bitching - take a poll.
What needs to happen?
What events need to take place?
Intro Day (Friday.. get ****e to site xxx am.. nn turn up to create the event..)
Day one (Sat) Green lane 1,2,3 Start 12:00; 12:30; 13:00, whatever
leaders, 5no max per route, route intro & rules
Who does what - and by when?

What is needed?
What food?
By when?
At what cost to create / and per vehicle / person?
Day 2 - what happens there? - everyone ****ed off it seems to me; OK if a long way to go but no goodbyes - sigh.
So who will open the planning thread for next year?

What were your impressions people who went?

NO PROBS WITH THIS YEAR - REALLY ENJOTED IT - but how many more could have helped? So not all sh*t is taken on by a small few - or was I mistaken?

Thanks to all who spent their time making such an enjoyable event.

However to involve the unheard populous :
Event location - to stop bitching - take a poll.
What needs to happen?
What events need to take place?
Intro Day (Friday.. get ****e to site xxx am.. nn turn up to create the event..)
Day one (Sat) Green lane 1,2,3 Start 12:00; 12:30; 13:00, whatever
leaders, 5no max per route, route intro & rules
Who does what - and by when?

What is needed?
What food?
By when?
At what cost to create / and per vehicle / person?
Day 2 - what happens there? - everyone ****ed off it seems to me; OK if a long way to go but no goodbyes - sigh.

We didnt **** off, probably still asleep :D didn't get home until 5pm Sunday. Happy to get more involved next year though. ;)
So who will open the planning thread for next year?

What were your impressions people who went?

NO PROBS WITH THIS YEAR - REALLY ENJOTED IT - but how many more could have helped? So not all sh*t is taken on by a small few - or was I mistaken?

Thanks to all who spent their time making such an enjoyable event.

However to involve the unheard populous :
Event location - to stop bitching - take a poll.
What needs to happen?
What events need to take place?
Intro Day (Friday.. get ****e to site xxx am.. nn turn up to create the event..)
Day one (Sat) Green lane 1,2,3 Start 12:00; 12:30; 13:00, whatever
leaders, 5no max per route, route intro & rules
Who does what - and by when?

What is needed?
What food?
By when?
At what cost to create / and per vehicle / person?
Day 2 - what happens there? - everyone ****ed off it seems to me; OK if a long way to go but no goodbyes - sigh.

Trying to sort the location isn't an easy thing - there are not many places that are happy to have a load of land rovers turn up, have lanes nearby, can supply the electricity and is near the people doing the organising as there is a lot of background planning and visits to the site that many people aren't aware of. For example 110woman stored the food for Saturday evening at her house and missed the laning to be able to go and get it... With no complaints or objections so everyone else got to go laning and eat when they got back.

Considering I'm one of the more northerly people and I was home within 3.5 hours I have no complaints...

Nobody is ever going to be happy, where ever these events are held someone will complain. If it's held further south or North who will organise it? I'm Amazed the main organisers of the event have time to sort it as it is without the added hassle of it being hours away from them.

There was a vast amount of planning for the food and other activities that many forum users are not aware of or able to see... There was the option of shopping for other halves and a trip to the landy museum place but nobody seemed bothered :)

I don't understand your comment of everyone seeming ****ed off on the second day? Those who were sticking around to go laning or to P&P went at the organised time of 10.30 and others came up to the marquee to say their good byes...

Help and suggestions I'm sure will always be greatly recieved but please be aware how much effort was put in behind the scenes and it can be disheartening to hear if people were ****ed off or thought more could have been done.
I'm sure there will be a thread to take into account suggestions and feedback :)
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