It was a great weekend.

I decided to veg out rather than go laning my choice been working hard all week and I had to replenish the 4 litres of oil lost on the way up !! No such problems going home.

Curry was lush. Roll on the next one...

Location I have been following the where to have it threads for LZ 10 and that was a nightmare... Standford hall works well they were happy to have us back which is always a plus..

I am pleased so many people arrived early Friday adds to the fun better than just the 10 or so last year.

Jason and Dog
This was my first year so I too was a little reserved in jumping in to chat. Honestly- the big group of people at the entrance gate didn't really seem that bothered introducing themselves either. I guess we're all a little shy!!

Next year however I shall try my darnest to put on the superman pants and chip in [emoji7]
Big thanks to Jason for keeping the missus amused while I was laning, getting ****ed and turned over by Les. I'm sure Arkwright was based on him! I only wanted a piece of cake. I left the table with no cake but lots of yellow edged bits of paper with numbers on which turned out to be broken
He assured me they wuz all winning tickets. :violin:
This was my first year so I too was a little reserved in jumping in to chat. Honestly- the big group of people at the entrance gate didn't really seem that bothered introducing themselves either. I guess we're all a little shy!!

I got that too, I said hi and got grunted at, so we went back to the tent!
You just got to be persistent and make yersel noticed. Like Peter. Legend dancing fella. I knew his name as soon as I saw him. He's a relative ultra noob anorl.
You just got to be persistent and make yersel noticed. Like Peter. Legend dancing fella. I knew his name as soon as I saw him. He's a relative ultra noob anorl.


It was hard work to being nice to everyone as you all trundled through the gate, thought i'd done alright :rolleyes: oh well... will work on being more smiley for next year...

It was hard work to being nice to everyone as you all trundled through the gate, thought i'd done alright :rolleyes: oh well... will work on being more smiley for next year...

Nah, you were fine, you should be an official organiser next year. Even when drunk you did a good job :D
The magical self reversing name tags weren't as helpful as they might have been.

My problem is I quickly reach saturation point and not only forget names but who I've already spoken to. I end up dazed with a fixed grin trying not to introduce myself to someone I was chatting to 10 mins ago :eek:
The magical self reversing name tags weren't as helpful as they might have been.

My problem is I quickly reach saturation point and not only forget names but who I've already spoken to. I end up dazed with a fixed grin trying not to introduce myself to someone I was chatting to 10 mins ago :eek:

Haha, yeah names aren't my strong point either...

It was amazing how much the name tags liked facing the wrong direction, we need double sided name tags next time
Not just me then? I thought it was because I'd brought along a van. I humbly apologised and ran away rather sharpish lol.

Ahh, I stood around smiling awkwardly for 10 mins or so, and then retreated

Best thing to do is collar someone and ask who people are.....They probably won't know either and fob you off with a load of duff info but it passes the time :D

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