
New Member
Hi All

I need some help with a misfire on my Disco (2000) TD5 that has recently started after I filled up with diesel (may only be a coincidence). It starts fine and runs smoothly for 15-20 mins then when I slow down the misfire starts and is there until I stop. If I leave it about an hour before starting it again everything is fine then the whole process starts again. I am hoping it is only a dodgy batch of fuel.

Can anybody shed any light on the matter.


It might be the injector wiring loom got oil in check the red plug on you ecu near the battery if there is oil there then that might be the prob that means you need to replace the injector loom in the rocker cover parts price about £45 from LR then clean the red plug and hope no oil has got into the ecu.

I agree with Scotty - it's a very common fault on Disco TD5's

Mine did exactly what you describe, 'she' would run fine, usally once it had got to operating temp, it would randomly start to cough and splutter (similar to a petrol engine with a plug or HT lead down) I'd stop, switch off, wait 5 - 10 mins, re start and it would be fine again fo 10 miles or so, and then start again . . .

It was really bad on one off road day, I was in low range, and it simply had NO power . . . and struggled to get through the route, having to stick to 1st most of the way . . .

Took her to my local stealer (was none the wiser then) they fitted a new loom (from the ECU to the injectors), and all has been fine ever since.

It is an easy DIY job, and you'll save on an hours labour (£100+ at some LR dealers)

You could try just cleaning the plug (with a elec connector cleaner spray or similar) and see if this makes any difference, then you'll know for sure it is definitely the problem !!
Well after spending over a week in the garage the problem has been cured. It was most defiantly OIL in the injection wiring loom. Only it got worse the ECU needed replacing (only £340!) as well, had to wait 2 days only to find out Land Rover sent a faulty one. Anyway another arrived and was fitted only to discover that there was still a misfire. Had to take out all the injectors and reprogram the ECU with the correspondent code number on them. At least this was still cheaper than forking out for 5 new injectors (£240 a piece).

Thanks again for the help.
The ECU should not have been buggered, (extremely robust unit) I'd be asking the dealer to prove to me it actually was (if they can't or fob you off, demand some £'s back)
The ECU should not have been buggered, (extremely robust unit) I'd be asking the dealer to prove to me it actually was (if they can't or fob you off, demand some £'s back)

And you must demand they give you your old ECU back .... in one piece.

It is YOURS, and if they have dumped it, sue them.

ALWAYS tell dealers to give you back all the bits they say they are changing, and where possible mark the pieces so you can recognise them. UV pen does a good job.

ecu shouldn't have been replaced, the oil will get as far as the ecu but cant get inside, I've had one apart and confirmed this.

Get back to the dealer and kick some arse!
to stop the oil going through in the first place put some silicone on the top of the plug that comes through the head that totally stops it even reacuring the one with two blue rubber o rings i was told to do this by a lr tecky.. and put it on the wires that go into it to...
Trust - now there's an interesting word . . . . . not usally applicable to LR dealers (I know, I know, some are VERY reputable)

But based on my experience of 3 local to where I leave, there deserve the title Main STEALERS !!!
Not so much trust,

but about being re-assured when we're talking hundreds of pounds here.

Anyway as for trust, they're not called Main Stealers for nothing!!
I see there is a lot of debate about my ECU being replaced. I thought I would let you know it was a local garage I took it to, which I have been using for about 10 years. Although I don't doubt what has been said I can say that I can trust my garage to not ripp me off.
I see there is a lot of debate about my ECU being replaced. I thought I would let you know it was a local garage I took it to, which I have been using for about 10 years. Although I don't doubt what has been said I can say that I can trust my garage to not ripp me off.

But have you got YOUR last ECU back?
It's ten to one there was nothing wrong with it, it is YOURS, and you could keep it as a spare or sell it in eBay.

The garage that took it off will sell it if you don't get it back.

That's if they actually changed it ....


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