Last thing I've found, I'd like to try and sort out, putting the lights on/ off effect the temp gauge reading. Any ideas? Await video upload..
i'd say bad earth, add another to a bare bit of metal and see if it cures.

also go stick your heaterfan on full, does it do it too?
Hmm, I did in fact run all new earths from the dash to under the bonnet. Should I run em all back to the battery or not really worth it?
I'll see what the heater does ;)
Hmm, I did in fact run all new earths from the dash to under the bonnet. Should I run em all back to the battery or not really worth it?
I'll see what the heater does ;)

nah, don't bother, that's the point of a neg earth vehicle. just test it first with a bit of wire from the gauge to anywhere metal, like the steering column would be handy. if it works, then you have an issue with your new earth :)
Yeh it moves with the heater aswell, can I just run the temp gauge its own earth straight to the battery try to stop this? The earth hasn't got to be plugged into the loom how it is now or anything does it :rolleyes:
check the voltage at the gauge - with various things on and off and report back

Voltage will change anyway with the different things on& off won't have to check for that, are you thinking gauge moving with the different amount of power it's getting and not the earth side of things?
See what you mean matey, will have a play tommorow and see what I find maybe run its own Earth whist I'm at it and see what it does then
no point running earths to the battery.

on mine the gauges are all earthed together, check the bulkhead earth to the right of the brake. make sure it's nice and clean and tight.

if you don't want to fix it, then run a new earth from the gauges to say the steering column bolt.
The earths for the new dash all run to a new earth point under the bonnet so already has all earth side sorted. Didn't know if I just take the earth straight from the gauge to a point instead of joining into the loom with the other gauges.

The gauge moves on what power is being used, it sits correct when I have all things on and the vehicle is at about 13 volts area, when I have everything off so lights/heater/rad fan and at 14+volts it's reads really low.
can u try running a voltage stabiliser in line to aid system in case its to erratic for the speedo which i assume has the stabiliser built in ???????????????just a idea me and electrics dont get on lol
The earths for the new dash all run to a new earth point under the bonnet so already has all earth side sorted. Didn't know if I just take the earth straight from the gauge to a point instead of joining into the loom with the other gauges.

The gauge moves on what power is being used, it sits correct when I have all things on and the vehicle is at about 13 volts area, when I have everything off so lights/heater/rad fan and at 14+volts it's reads really low.

just test it with a bit of wire, one side to gauge earth, other to bare metal.. takes minutes and will rule it out ;)
There is no need for voltage stabilisers on 90/110 electrics. Series vehicles did use them though.

Good to see you got the gauges etc. working in the end. Hopefully cleaning up your earths will solve your issue here. Remember all the earths can affect each other, check the one from the gearbox to the chassis/battery. A good clean of that might help. I once had a 110 with a temperature gauge that moved depending on system load - cleaning up the main engine/gearbox to chassis earth sorted that.
i like to stick one on the chassis to battery, one from xfer to chassis and another engine to chassis
Cheers for the messages will get the earths checked out in day light.
Least I know it's correct when I'm driving with me lights and bits turned on haha ;)
There is no need for voltage stabilisers on 90/110 electrics. Series vehicles did use them though.

Good to see you got the gauges etc. working in the end. Hopefully cleaning up your earths will solve your issue here. Remember all the earths can affect each other, check the one from the gearbox to the chassis/battery. A good clean of that might help. I once had a 110 with a temperature gauge that moved depending on system load - cleaning up the main engine/gearbox to chassis earth sorted that.

so how does it regulate the voltage to voltmeters then. It needs a reference voltage.
the dash needs to work with a regulated and stabilised .

if the voltage fluctuated between 12 and 14,7 then when a guage reads 1/2 full, is it reading 6volts or 7.3?

or put it the other way a reading 6 volts will be half scale deflection or 3/8 deflection - on a temp guage, that could be significant

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