Thats a great fuse box. Whos it made by?
Its just a Blue Sea copy 100Amp total from fleabay, but well made. had one before etc.has a fully sealed underside the cheap ones you can see the dodgy soldering etc. What i like about it is the neg bus bar, so you can run a beefy neg cable and be done with it, no more 'self tappers n trouble in 2 years guaranteed neg connections'. I am also fitting a nice large Neg bus bar in battery box, so battery and fuse box and main vehicle earth all to common, and fitting a secondary earth flexy cable to the same bus for good measure.
I am going to run pos+ neg cables in conduit glanded from the battery box. (treated myself to a hydraulic crimper for batt cables)
Will be using a midi fuse holder however for the heated screen, actual power run to elements. Will still wire the timer and relay via this fuse box.
Will be fitting a led strip light with a normally closed momentary switch, so when I remove the lid i have light.
I am not going to bolt the lid down, will just use bonnet catch type fixings, I have a 4mm double pipe foam insulating tape for underside of lid. I wanted to the tray to be water proof from ingress by itself, so the lid is not the main seal etc.
This way I can access fuses form inside the cab and not have to eject the passenger into the rain to change a fuse!