I'll be keepin my eyes on this thread as I'd be very intrigued to know how it pans out. Basically we have a situation here where the garage/dealer has gone ahead and done some work to the tune the best part of 500 notes (300 for the service sounds steep too - but if that included a maf then could be possible, but thought they've covered this with warranty??) without first getting authorisation from the owner. Legally can they do this?
Now as a Synergy owner myself, personally I'd avoid mentioning that it had been installed in the first place, but since our Podman admitted this to the dealer I'd be very interested to know if they use this to try wriggle out of responsibility for the additional (perhaps unnecessary) ecu work. Although I've no warranty left on my vehicle I'd still be very interested to know if the garage can use the excuse that the synergy unit voided the warranty?
By law (the law of Lien) they are unable to keep you from your car unless, excluding servicing work they can prove they have increased the value of the car with what they have done

The Exercise of Lien - CIMA

My own opinion - I have worked as aftersales manager for 12 years, they haven't a leg to stand on if they have not fixed the vehicle and no agreement from you means no contract or agreement to pay
I dont know anything about your fault, but do know the garage wont want to put it back to as it was. This will mean doing more work for no money. You'll find they'll try and negotiate a lower price. Important thing is stand firm and dont give way but be polite.
Ok heres whart happened,


To be perfectly honest at the end of the day I just haven't got the time nor the inclanation to mess about chasing them, Bill came to 722 quid in the end and in my eyes the vehicle is no better than what it went in. So the next port of call is to find what is really wrong with it. Clutchdust is gonna have a gandy at it for me on Sunday, hopefully it's gonna end up as something fairly simple.

If it does turn out to be something simple........then the fun will start :D

Turns out that the unauthorised work actually only equated to 90 od quid, which is the main reason I didn't take it any further, I was expecting less because, as always, bluddy garages add VAT!!!! I seem to remember that the law states that all prices must clearly state the TOTAL cost to stop that happening. Again, if something comes of this then it is another thing I will happily put in writing to them, luckily my mother works in a solicitors and my father is a magistrate, so should I need to I'm sure I could get help with the legal side if it turns out I've been well and truely done. If I haven't I wont take it any further, most of the time it's just not worth the hastle. I'll just pay and mark it down as experiance.

Will update after I've seen Clutchdust on sunday as there are some details taht I have cobbled together from speaking to them taht don't add up ;)
Lack of comunication meant we didn't meet on sunday. But the car has a high pitch whistle so I'm assuming there is a damaged pipe in there somewhere, can't find it myself. So clutchdust is looking at 10am saturday :D
an easy check for the whistle is the intercooler hose. Where it passes across the front of the engine, sometimes a little hole wears in the hose causing the whistle. There is a thread on here about it

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