theres yo problem - its made of cheese!!!!

eyup - heres Roverron - the very man to help yu.

Clutchdust is an independant - or was - comes on here - knows his stuff too. Also knows Stra*****!
I've been speaking to him about it, he agrees with everyone else, they have cocked up and are trying to pass teh buck
Never in over 1200 sales has a Synergy ever affected the ecu.
Its no more possible for it to do this than a faulty sensor. Eg. if a sensor went short circuit then it may cause a 'surge' within the ecu which could affect it.
But the engine would probably not run at all and in any case the ecu inputs and outputs are very heavily protected against surges, spikes and noise from the alternator and numerous electric motors etc. Otherwise the ecu losing its programming would be a common fault.

The fact that they could connect up and diagnose a maf fault and then after they fit the new maf, then have a problem, points to the new maf being faulty.
If its one of the clone mafs going about, this would not surprise me.

It seems to me that you should not be paying for anything except the servicing since the fault has not been fixed. Also they should not have needed to reprogram the ecu and this should have been done under warranty anyway.

If the performance is flat when cold, then its quite possible the engine coolant sensor that is reading high. (An out of spec maf usually gives worse performance when the engine is warm)

Why did they think a Synergy had been fitted - I've never had any dealer claim one has been fitted and it leaves no signature?

Totally my fault that they knew about the synergy. I'm a little over honest and seeing as it was teh synergy that proved that teh maf was posisbly at fault I told them how I knew......They are now saying taht they ocudln't get a reading from teh maf so changed maf but still coudln't get into ecu for a reading so decided the ecu was a problem. The really annoying bit is one minute they say one thing then the next it changes just a slight bit, they are now saying taht teh ecu was not wiped, I think they thought I'd say nothing and knew nothing so was just gonna cough the money and walk away, which admitedly I was gonna do just cos I thought it was fixed and write it down to experiance, but when they said it's still flat that was the last straw. Just a case of how to go about it all now. I'm not a happy bunny at all! I used them a few years ago when they were in a smaller premises to fix teh air suspension on my DSE rangerover. They were great and decent price after I had been ripped by landrover 3 times!!! Now they have big flash new purpose built premises and it seems thinsg have changed a bit. For the worse it woudl seem, maybe I'm just unlucky this time but I can't see me ever going there again after this
Totally my fault that they knew about the synergy. I'm a little over honest

You foolish foolish man, Garages and stealers make the VAT man look decent. Never ever assume a garage is doing you a favour (there all in it to get as much of your cash as they can) Never tell them anything that they might be able to use to

A: blame you.
B: screw you for more money.

Always get their excuses in writing. and or take a small digital recorder with you and record their conversation.

And most importantly always remember. Take no ****, Give no mercy.
You foolish foolish man, Garages and stealers make the VAT man look decent. Never ever assume a garage is doing you a favour (there all in it to get as much of your cash as they can) Never tell them anything that they might be able to use to

A: blame you.
B: screw you for more money.

Always get their excuses in writing. and or take a small digital recorder with you and record their conversation.

And most importantly always remember. Take no ****, Give no mercy.

Tell me about it, after I said it had had a synergy on it I was kicking myself, removed it so they woudln't know about it then I went and bluddy told them!!!! car was sluggish before synergy anyway. Thats wy we bought it. But I think they are seriously starting to talk out their arse and hope I don't do anything about it. I'm gonna have to do something. Anybody know what the score is if I turn around and say put it back as it was, I'm paying the service, sod all else and taking it from here.....
If they didnt ask you before commencing with work then I would tell them to take it all back to the way it was when you dropped it off. Never have I known a dealer/independant do work without authorisation first. If you told them to phone you before they did any work then it is down to there lack of communication I guess.
yup, when they rang to say they were "working on it now" I said to teh guy on teh counter to let me know of any costs. His reply was "well it's gonna be extra costs2 so I said well let me know first please and taht was teh end of the telephone conversation
when they rang next morning it had been done, very strange ....

I am seriously considering just saying I'll pay teh 320 for the 72k service and take it away as it went in. Not happy to pay for it when it's apparaently made little difference.
Go back and tell them your not paying for any unauthorised work. See what they say and take it from there.
I agree with redhand, relly you have nothing to lose in doing it. They will either say that that is acceptable or throw it straight back in your face and then you will have to stand your ground and take it further. Get the manager out or start raising your voice a bit. that always works if there is someone in the showroom. he he
lol, the manager lives just around teh corner from me, or at least I'm assuming he does, thats where teh garage used to be, big shed in his garden basically, used to have a really good name, new building, new people (I assume some are anyway) and new ways of doing things
well I'm hoping this dosen't haev to get dirty......really just wnat it sorted and take it from there, but an 800 quid bill for a service and to sort a sluggish performance (untill about 2100rpm when turbo kicked in) and it still isn't rite just isn't fair to say teh least. Need to find out what my legal standing is more than anything.
Hi there,

With reference to your legal rights, try calling Which. Become a member for £12.00, then you have access to their legal team. I had their help when I had issues with VW. They **** them selves when I mentioned, the Supply of Goods Act (implied terms) 1973. I dont think the same act will cover you. Look it up, it may do.

Spoken to Clutch dust, some intersting onfo, looks like teh best we can do it pay, get it from there then try and prove the cocked it up or missed an obvious fault.

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