Well-Known Member
Photos of clean brakes !

Then this went and happened !!
There is some pressure in that steering pump - soaked an area a couple of feet from the car, just happened to be where I had stacked my tools ready to put away !!

Got to remove the rack from the donor first so that will remind me what to do ! It is simple on that one as I can climb into the empty engine bay. If I don't post again it will be because the bonnet slammed shut !

Then this went and happened !!
There is some pressure in that steering pump - soaked an area a couple of feet from the car, just happened to be where I had stacked my tools ready to put away !!

Got to remove the rack from the donor first so that will remind me what to do ! It is simple on that one as I can climb into the empty engine bay. If I don't post again it will be because the bonnet slammed shut !