Don't think the average bloke could have it registered as a farm wagon and run on red.

Chances are the MoT is fake and has been run on red. Due to some reason or another prob the fact 99% of it is stolen and he can't register it properly.
it doesnt actually need to be moted if its registered as an agricultural vehicle so no tax but you can only run it on farm or within 10 miles of the farm and only for agricultural use so not worth 12k he wants 4 it and would cost far too much to get registered back for normal use worth about 1500 max as it sits
needs to be 25 years old and the engine model must have been available 25 years ago for it to be exportable as far as I know.
needs to be 25 years old and the engine model must have been available 25 years ago for it to be exportable as far as I know.
Think you're right about that, or the engine must be as originally fitted i.e. cant swap 2.5n/a for a V8 or a 200tdi
needs to be 25 years old and the engine model must have been available 25 years ago for it to be exportable as far as I know.

has to be correct to year and the model that was available to USA........ So some will be a straight 6 petrol
He's right... on an argricutural ticket you can run red... and travel a maximum of 1.5km on public roads between your own land only. He failed to mention that last bit.

It'd be ideal for someone like the Queen - they own huge amounts of land, i bet with some careful planning she could travel quite far by calling into bits of her land every 1.5Km...

For everyone else, they're fcuked.
Thought i'd send him a little message:

Has the Landy had red in the tank? I.e. would it need a new tank to be driven legally on the roads. Although you point out his has an agricultural ticket so can run red, you fail to mention this restricts people from travelling a maximum of 1.5km on public roads and only between two pieces of land they own. If the tank has had red in it in the past, then it'll need a new tank.

Also, what level of gurantee do you offer on the export to USA option - a lot of Land Rover's have been crushed by the US ports recently as they don't comply to the strict rules - this landy doesn't have the original engine so would be crushed... will you cover the costs for the buyer if this happens?

bit of a numpty that seller tbh, went to look at one from him when I was buying.
phoned in the morning, yes we've still got it.
when I got there got greeted with, sorry mate, we sold it yesterday...
we've got another one you can look at, hmm, I said I was looking for a 110CWS, but I can look at a 90 hardtop...
Think its all been said here, stay well clear!
He is talking out his arse, or at least failing to give all the facts, and the asking price!! yeh right :lol::lalala:

Just hope no one falls for it....
It'd be ideal for someone like the Queen - they own huge amounts of land, i bet with some careful planning she could travel quite far by calling into bits of her land every 1.5Km...

So that's how she can afford all those fancy hats, she's running around on red diesel.
He's such a polite tosspot...

Response: (all in capitals, changed to make it forum friendly)

Hi there,

Thank you so much for your enquiry on my defender but can't work out if you are genuninely interested in this vehicle or you are just being a pompous #### although i'm swaying towards the latter.
could you please advise me as to your intentions at your earliest convenience

Kind Regards,

A ####ing knob at CC direct

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