i wouldn't even consider driving one, they may indeed drive like a dream but they are ugly, unreliable over engineered vehicles that i could not rely on to get me from A to B no matter how comfy or luxurious the part of the journey completed before breaking down may have been.

May I ask why your hanging around in the range rover section then?
ive owned most models of land/ range rovers and ive enjoyed them all for various reasons its just down to what suits yourself at the time they are all awsome(except evoques & hippos:brushteeth:)
if the evoque is based on a fl1 as said so on top gear then the freelander 1 has guaranteed the survival of landrover twice.
i used to have a s3 1/2 ton with a gun rack and some tinnies rolling round in the back, close enough i suppose
Well I think u have def put me off the land rover brand! Anyway, and 2 of the cars I looked at were under 80k miles on 03 and 04 plates so with that miliage I would have expected less wear on the interior, I'm also surprised how cheap they feel inside compared to other cars I have owned, oh well on the hunt for more reliable alternatives
Well I think u have def put me off the land rover brand! Anyway, and 2 of the cars I looked at were under 80k miles on 03 and 04 plates so with that miliage I would have expected less wear on the interior, I'm also surprised how cheap they feel inside compared to other cars I have owned, oh well on the hunt for more reliable alternatives
interiors may have been so worn because its such a nice place to be that the previous owners have spent more time in there than their homes.
Well I think u have def put me off the land rover brand! Anyway, and 2 of the cars I looked at were under 80k miles on 03 and 04 plates so with that miliage I would have expected less wear on the interior, I'm also surprised how cheap they feel inside compared to other cars I have owned, oh well on the hunt for more reliable alternatives

No offence meant but if the few negative comments on here were enough to put you off (although a month ago the same things didn't sway you), you're doing the right thing by looking at other marques, as LR/RR obviously isn't for you. However, I get the feeling that no matter what 'enthusiast's' site you go on, for any marque, you'll read things you don't like and will put you off the marque. It's the nature of the beast, enthusiasts are just that and you will hear not just the good. As for interior wear that can also depend on the driver/passenger size . weight and how they get in and out. I've seen vehs with 50k with leather that looks crap in comparison to my 100k but then I'm not a lardy, lazy , slide out and struggle in driver. I also don't allow zips/studs, handbags , etc to scrape over my seats.
However, as you may have noticed those of us who have an L322 absolutely adore them. We acknowledge that to drive a car that cost £70k+ when new, we will have to look after it a little more than one that cost £17k new.
Good luck in whatever you decide.
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No offence meant but if the few negative comments on here were enough to put you off (although a month ago the same things didn't sway you), you're doing the right thing by looking at other marques, as LR/RR obviously isn't for you. However, I get the feeling that no matter what 'enthusiast's' site you go on, for any marque, you'll read things you don't like and will put you off the marque. It's the nature of the beast, enthusiasts are just that and you will hear not just the good. As for interior wear that can also depend on the driver/passenger size . weight and how they get in and out. I've seen vehs with 50k with leather that looks crap in comparison to my 100k but then I'm not a lardy, lazy , slide out and struggle in driver. I also don't allow zips/studs, handbags , etc to scrape over my seats.
However, as you may have noticed those of us who have an L322 absolutely adore them. We acknowledge that to drive a car that cost £70k+ when new, we will have to look after it a little more than one that cost £17k new.
Good luck in whatever you decide.

top post ! :p
Well I think u have def put me off the land rover brand! Anyway, and 2 of the cars I looked at were under 80k miles on 03 and 04 plates so with that miliage I would have expected less wear on the interior, I'm also surprised how cheap they feel inside compared to other cars I have owned, oh well on the hunt for more reliable alternatives

have fun with your kia or... toyota prius :p
have fun with your kia or... toyota prius :p

:rofl: haha no chance! A Prius! U must be joking they are the anti Christ, such a miserable pointless car. I think the prob is I've been use to such reliable cars and newer cars finding one to live up to that on a budget of 10k or under seems like its going to take time, and I don't like the sound of getting stranded in the dales all the time lol, fair play to previous posts tho I know it sounds like I've given up already but I'm not ashamed to admit buying a vehicle like the range rover is very daughnting to me as I simply have no experience with this sort of car
No offence meant but if the few negative comments on here were enough to put you off (although a month ago the same things didn't sway you), you're doing the right thing by looking at other marques, as LR/RR obviously isn't for you. However, I get the feeling that no matter what 'enthusiast's' site you go on, for any marque, you'll read things you don't like and will put you off the marque. It's the nature of the beast, enthusiasts are just that and you will hear not just the good. As for interior wear that can also depend on the driver/passenger size . weight and how they get in and out. I've seen vehs with 50k with leather that looks crap in comparison to my 100k but then I'm not a lardy, lazy , slide out and struggle in driver. I also don't allow zips/studs, handbags , etc to scrape over my seats.
However, as you may have noticed those of us who have an L322 absolutely adore them. We acknowledge that to drive a car that cost £70k+ when new, we will have to look after it a little more than one that cost £17k new.
Good luck in whatever you decide.

Have to agree that's a great post but if I'm honest it's more the cars I have seen so far that are putting me off
No offence meant but if the few negative comments on here were enough to put you off (although a month ago the same things didn't sway you), you're doing the right thing by looking at other marques, as LR/RR obviously isn't for you. However, I get the feeling that no matter what 'enthusiast's' site you go on, for any marque, you'll read things you don't like and will put you off the marque. It's the nature of the beast, enthusiasts are just that and you will hear not just the good. As for interior wear that can also depend on the driver/passenger size . weight and how they get in and out. I've seen vehs with 50k with leather that looks crap in comparison to my 100k but then I'm not a lardy, lazy , slide out and struggle in driver. I also don't allow zips/studs, handbags , etc to scrape over my seats.
However, as you may have noticed those of us who have an L322 absolutely adore them. We acknowledge that to drive a car that cost £70k+ when new, we will have to look after it a little more than one that cost £17k new.
Good luck in whatever you decide.
Top Post....

I love my L322 even if it does test the patience....luckily I can DIY most things and I am willing to 'give it a go'

I have a very understanding girlfriend who is willing to put up with the cost and also the need at times to eat Beans on Toast for a week should I either a) break something as I try to repair it b) Something goes wrong I have no idea how to fix

As GR puts it, we adore our L322 and I wouldn't dream of anything else!
Wow, how could a few horror stories put someone off the green oval? You hear horror stories about all vehicles as all vehicles break (even jap motors, just generally in boring ways that don't involve fire and death). Just buy one you can afford, but remember, you might be able to get a luxury motor for shed money, but they still have luxury motor running costs.

Perhaps you should consider Shed of the Week? Usually some nice cheap luxury motors right up your strata.

We haven't got kids but have a large Labrador and spend a lot of our time up in the Yorkshire dales out walking with our dog, it will be my everyday car tho aswell but my commute is only 6 mile round trip, thort a range rover wud be a nice place to be wafting round the dales
Dot dot ####ing dot.

You want to buy a huge arse fore be fore to commute 6 miles and the odd run up in t'dales? You're a blithering idiot. Honestly, people like you are why the baby narwhals died. If I still loved 6 miles from work I'd run it every day. To get a bloody fore be fore for 6 god damn miles? #### ME IN THE FACE WITH A SHOVEL!
Wow, how could a few horror stories put someone off the green oval? You hear horror stories about all vehicles as all vehicles break (even jap motors, just generally in boring ways that don't involve fire and death). Just buy one you can afford, but remember, you might be able to get a luxury motor for shed money, but they still have luxury motor running costs.

Perhaps you should consider Shed of the Week? Usually some nice cheap luxury motors right up your strata.

Dot dot ####ing dot.

You want to buy a huge arse fore be fore to commute 6 miles and the odd run up in t'dales? You're a blithering idiot. Honestly, people like you are why the baby narwhals died. If I still loved 6 miles from work I'd run it every day. To get a bloody fore be fore for 6 god damn miles? #### ME IN THE FACE WITH A SHOVEL!

Can I , really, truly , honestly? No backing down or saying you didn't mean it? :rofl:

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