Only in LRZ can one go from 'the leather in the L322 is crappy' to 'ooooo bang sticks' in one thread :hysterically_laughi
308, probably not my first choice (I'm told the 30-06 is a better shot) but the brother ordered the thing, I only inherited it after he popped his clogs.

There were other rifles and shotguns I was offered, but I left those on the farm he lived on. Figured they'd be more use to them than sat in a locker gathering dust.

Still good fun to go down there from time to time and shoot the breeze.
The Lapua .308 is a great round, a member of our Club has a HPS System Gemini chambered for that and he swears by it...

Others prefer the NATO Round of 7.62x51 as it is easier to reload and get stock of cases and bullet heads for....

My dad used to have a Schultz and Larsen in .30-06 why back when before they adopted the NATO round too....

Happy days!
As you quoted me in that I only play with 5.56mm , 7.62mm, 9mm and .50BMG. None of which I take home :)
Trouble with the 50's is that in civvie street there is only 3-4 places to play in the UK...none of which are close to me, plus I can't afford one and the Surrey Plod wouldn't let me have it on my FAC anyway!
As you quoted me in that I only play with 5.56mm , 7.62mm, 9mm and .50BMG. None of which I take home :)
You clearly have the biggest e-penis in this thread.

308 is better, flatter shooting and wins a lot of the long distance matches. 308 is 1 of the snipers choice. 30-06 is a good general purpose but old school. Not saying it is bad, but 308 is just better

Explains why he ordered it then. He liked to think he was the best shot ever in the world ever.

[edit: which reminds me, I need to visit the old farm. Been a while since I harassed those silly southerners.]
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You clearly have the biggest e-penis in this thread.

Explains why he ordered it then. He liked to think he was the best shot ever in the world ever.

Yaaaay I win and without a single one of the weapons I use even being mine, my boss is just nice enough to hand them out ;)
Yaaaay I win and without a single one of the weapons I use even being mine, my boss is just nice enough to hand them out ;)
He must be a bit mad. Given the fact you're a RR owner (in gold no less) I bet you've carried out your fair share of drive by shootings. :p
Trouble with the 50's is that in civvie street there is only 3-4 places to play in the UK...none of which are close to me, plus I can't afford one and the Surrey Plod wouldn't let me have it on my FAC anyway!

This is why my boss has to find other countries for us to use them in :hysterically_laughi
You clearly have the biggest e-penis in this thread.

Explains why he ordered it then. He liked to think he was the best shot ever in the world ever.

If I was buying and needed 1 a 308 would be first choice. But the game would determine the rest, 22 mag and a 12 gauge mossberg pump would be the 3 for all around hunting
He must be a bit mad. Given the fact you're a RR owner (in gold no less) I bet you've carried out your fair share of drive by shootings. :p

Have you possibly forgotten who my boss is? And yes plenty of shoot and run lol
Have you possibly forgotten who my boss is?
Would it be Mr Hammond by chance!!!! :D:D

Well it is this week, the way this Gov is going, it'll change tomoz!!!

esp. after his latest comments - not flavour of the month is he?
Would it be Mr Hammond by chance!!!! :D:D

Well it is this week, the way this Gov is going, it'll change tomoz!!!

esp. after his latest comments - not flavour of the month is he?

None of those fist movers in Downing Street are my boss. I serve only one boss.
Until next year when a fat sweaty turd gets independence for Scotlandica. Then you can work for a fat sweaty turd.

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