The west is my favourite. Not had the chance to go home in a while.
My adoptive parents loved touring caravan holidays and I grew up spending many holidays on the West coast of Scotland and that carried on into my adult years, I never really ventured to the East Coast until looking to live up here, the main factor I ended up where I am was I had never really found anywhere I had lived felt like "home" but found a croft for sale on the outskirts of Turriff that just hit me from the moment I saw it and in 6 weeks we had given up jobs and moved lol. Spent the happiest 11 years of my life there but unfortunately divorce destroyed the dream !!!!! I console myself with no hope Range Rover purchases and then wondering why did I ever do this on cold wet days when they decide its far better to have me outside than in
Welcome to landyzone. I have a feeling you are going to get on well with our @Stanleysteamer.

Hi me thinks I better do some investigations before I take that as a full blown compliment hahaha been reading through some of the old posts and things can get quite amusing, love the banter so many forums are so dull, many of the mercedes ones are good for tech but getting banned and penalised for such small things makes them really boring pmsl
Hi me thinks I better do some investigations before I take that as a full blown compliment hahaha been reading through some of the old posts and things can get quite amusing, love the banter so many forums are so dull, many of the mercedes ones are good for tech but getting banned and penalised for such small things makes them really boring pmsl
Sounds like you'll fit right in.

Welcome Aboard :)

Got any piccies - we likez picciez ;)

There's an agriculture thread in Anything Goes section of the forum.. would be worth putting some pics of your crofting activities in there, if you want to.. :)
At last I have found where I could fit !!!! oh you poor poor people, you must have issues, let the fun begin hahahahaha
Well I beleive in Life if you have set your mind to doing a thing just do it with gusto ;)
Me too!
Sounds like you have already grabbed life by the balls and given it a good shake. :D:D:D

I too (used to) post at length and (still occasionally) tell peeps about my life. This is how I have now been labelled, but only by some. Which is why I think that comment was made.
Peeps here are generally very friendly and helpful and yes the banter is fun. It doesn't go too far on all parts of the forum except ""Anything Goes" where it can go very far, although even on there there are supposed to be limits.
So do have fun here.
You are very welcome, even though your rose is the wrong colour, at least it is from North of the Watford Gap!!!:D:D:D
My adoptive parents loved touring caravan holidays and I grew up spending many holidays on the West coast of Scotland and that carried on into my adult years, I never really ventured to the East Coast until looking to live up here, the main factor I ended up where I am was I had never really found anywhere I had lived felt like "home" but found a croft for sale on the outskirts of Turriff that just hit me from the moment I saw it and in 6 weeks we had given up jobs and moved lol. Spent the happiest 11 years of my life there but unfortunately divorce destroyed the dream !!!!! I console myself with no hope Range Rover purchases and then wondering why did I ever do this on cold wet days when they decide its far better to have me outside than in
I dream to have a croft and be left alone to feed my chickens
I dream to have a croft and be left alone to feed my chickens
I had such a wonderful time there, never dreamed I would do the things I did, lived in towns all my life then suddenly was faced with the reality of what we had done lol. We had over the years Goats, sheep, pigs couple of Shetland Ponies and a whole host of poultry of every description, as a child watched all creatures great and small, seeing them putting arms into unspeakable places hahaha never knowing how someone can do that. Well faced with a distressed ewe in full blown labour you do what you do and must say surprised myself what I actually could do. Miss it greatly, have a small croft now but only have a few hens and ducks. 6 Black Labradors and a Jack Russell keep you on your toes too lol, Liz has her 5 cats and really we just a menagerie of mental beings getting by. I will say though never pass any opportunity in life no daft or impossible it seems, I was devastated loosing my animals but not for one second do i regret taking the risk of doing it all. Survived everything nature had thrown but divorce wiped out pretty much everything else hahahaha. Still just about here and breathing so onwards to new adventures and all that.
Ours used to live in feckin luxury.
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the shed has since been replaced with a smaller one but it France you have to give them a lot of shade!!!
But there is NOTHING like the fresh eggs!!!
I must admit I got a bit carried away with the poultry, we sold eggs from the gate and could never keep up with demand, called a stop to my antics when the hen flock got to 320, we also were keeping 26 geese, 30 turkeys, yes for the inevitable lol, 60 ducks. The geese were my favorite's though they would follow me around the fields as I checked the water and fed everyone else like puppies, even though you took your life in your hands trying to collect their eggs pmsl.

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