To do your make-up Darling :D :D

Funny you should say that was sat a lights on morning on way home off nights. A stupid woman next to me with an fag in one hand and a can of hairspray in the other was adjusting her hair in the interior mirror and set her hair on fire. That was bloody hilarious to watch. :D:D:D
I've had my switch pack apart (1995 model) and can confirm there mirror controls definitely aren't illuminated.

There's one lamp in the middle with a plastic spider that illuminates the main switches, but nothing for the mirror.
Funny you should say that was sat a lights on morning on way home off nights. A stupid woman next to me with an fag in one hand and a can of hairspray in the other was adjusting her hair in the interior mirror and set her hair on fire. That was bloody hilarious to watch. :D:D:D

Thats a classic hope you didnt laugh to much, was that what they call a blonde moment:D

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