
New Member
I'll probably get shouted at for this but my P38 is now on springs. The only issue I have is that the near side is about 1 1/2 inches higher than the drivers side at the rear! Anyone got one on springs with a similar problem or know what the problem could be?
I swapped the rear springs round today (Left/Right swap) but still sits the same?
Think it might be time to get rid and look for something else.
So another Range Rover owner who wants to get rid for a potentially simple repair....

It's simple people, if you are not prepared to put the time in on a Range Rover, don't get one....they are notoriously in need of constant attention, like a kid or a pet, if you are not prepared to deal with or pay for it, don't get or have one......
Oh dear ,
Why o why remove air bladders and put it on steel yuk,

You have now made a looooverly range rover look like a series Landrover (well they did all lean one way or tother) lol lol

They are far far better on air ride ....
:dnfnoob: you upsetting folk again saint :D
Looks like it...

It just irks me is all...I am a MASSIVE Range Rover Fanatic...HUGE when people come on here going, 'oh the switch lamp is blown, that's it get rid of it'...or....'The running costs are terrible, so I am going to get rid or scrap it'...

Just bugs me is all, Just because Range Rovers are becoming more reasonable to purchase people forget that they still have luxury car running costs, and a thirst for fuel to boot.

I quote Hippo in my Signature, and Gold Rover put it brilliantly the other day too.

So it really is simple, don't buy a Range Rover then complain about the costs...yeah sure come on here and say £198 for the RF unit is ridiculous money cos it is....- but that is what it is, pure and simple, so suck it up and swallow hard cos running a Range Rover IS expensive, it IS frustrating, it IS stressful....but SO worth it.
Looks like it...

It just irks me is all...I am a MASSIVE Range Rover Fanatic...HUGE when people come on here going, 'oh the switch lamp is blown, that's it get rid of it'...or....'The running costs are terrible, so I am going to get rid or scrap it'...

Just bugs me is all, Just because Range Rovers are becoming more reasonable to purchase people forget that they still have luxury car running costs, and a thirst for fuel to boot.

I quote Hippo in my Signature, and Gold Rover put it brilliantly the other day too.

So it really is simple, don't buy a Range Rover then complain about the costs...yeah sure come on here and say £198 for the RF unit is ridiculous money - but that is what it is, pure and simple, so suck it up and swallow hard cos running a Range Rover IS expensive, it IS frustrating, it IS stressful....but SO worth it.
P38's best looking car on the road even now....but **** total **** :p:D
Looks like it...

It just irks me is all...I am a MASSIVE Range Rover Fanatic...HUGE when people come on here going, 'oh the switch lamp is blown, that's it get rid of it'...or....'The running costs are terrible, so I am going to get rid or scrap it'...

Just bugs me is all, Just because Range Rovers are becoming more reasonable to purchase people forget that they still have luxury car running costs, and a thirst for fuel to boot.

I quote Hippo in my Signature, and Gold Rover put it brilliantly the other day too.

So it really is simple, don't buy a Range Rover then complain about the costs...yeah sure come on here and say £198 for the RF unit is ridiculous money cos it is....- but that is what it is, pure and simple, so suck it up and swallow hard cos running a Range Rover IS expensive, it IS frustrating, it IS stressful....but SO worth it.

Agree 100%

Love range rovers always have...
And am spending a fortune on returning my classic to how it was when new...
I once had a series 2 petrol with a lean to the OS and was told it’s common because both diffs are on the same side and are very heavy……no really the guy thought he was helping!
I once had a series 2 petrol with a lean to the OS and was told it’s common because both diffs are on the same side and are very heavy……no really the guy thought he was helping!
We probably ought to at least TRY to answer the question :p

It could be as simple as one side being a lot heavier; which engine do you have?
If that's the case, other springs people have probably had the same issue, you could try a search and perhaps message one who's converted theirs? (Although short of a slab of concrete on one side of the boot I'm not sure how you would fix that..)

Persevere with the Range Rover though; no other car gives quite the same feel (despair is part of that feel...) :) [or if you do change go for one with EAS ;) ]
we all bleat about the price of parts but love em or hate em if they need them they get them eventually

just out of curiosity are the springs the right way and are they seated right had a slanty motor once that did the same :eek:
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how much fuel is in the tank?

I may be wrong here, because I cant quite remember when I did the job, but doesnt the p38 fuel tank sit underneath predominantly on the drivers side? which would make the n/s sit higher, so if you had a full tank, maybe the electronic gubbins worked with the air suspension to counterbalance?

but then again i maybe talking complete bollocks...
O.K. I'm not a lover of Rangies on springs but it's still a Rangie so let's see if we can keep it on the road.
Having swapped the springs round and the problem is still there then it's not the springs.
Are the wheels and tyres identical, mind you 1.5" would be a helluva difference.
You haven't got any weird shocks on there? Have you tried removing the shocks? It shouldn't make any difference but?
Have you had a good look in the seatings top and bottom? Whoever fitted the springs hasn't left an airbag cap jammed in there thinking that, as he couldn't move it, that it was part of the car?
Apart from that all that I can think of is a good, long look at everything underneath, comparing side to side. I don't suppose you know if the car has ever been accident damaged?

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