Coz there are some on here, that i think are genuine enthusiasts ,and decent educated people who are genuinly helpfull and knowledgable.
Not just wind up, sarcastic twits.. LIKE YOU .:D
ere how did yer manage ter read that, i thought i was on yer ignore list, ooh have i bin promoted ;)
Welsh Twit!
There was me, posting what I thought was a genuinely helpful / sensible answer and DONK does the very thing he keeps complaining about - slags me off by calling me Welsh!!!
Theres no such thing as a daft question Coddy old chap. If you don't ask, you don't get to know the answer. Simple as that mate. The mags do set a reasonable example as in do's and dont's. Best advice I can give you is go to the council offices and view the deffinitive map for the area that you intend to drive and see whats restricted and what isn't. I personally prefer to drive in organised events (whether they be play day or club events) this way I have organised assistance if needed and there's always a tow home if you need it !!!!!!.
On top of this I know that it's all kosher and above board.

Legislation has changed so much regarding greenlaning recently.

Regards WP.
I,ll give you an even better way of finding Byways...Check out Wayfinder.The national catalogue of rights of way....This site is updated and is brilliant...Also offroadroutes. Thats another good one and crossreference these with Ordanance Survey, get a map and you have it ALL...From the byways that are, and are not useable..AND its all updated on a Monthly basis...:D
There was me, posting what I thought was a genuinely helpful / sensible answer and DONK does the very thing he keeps complaining about - slags me off by calling me Welsh!!!

Well there you go... You lot can dish it out, then bleet about it when you get it back!!
Suppose that figures:cool:
complaining about others slagging you off, and then doing the very same thing yourself - that's hypocritical!
since when have the cornish been classed as cock and knee? your out of your ed'umacated depth my friend.

and as for my alleged hypocrisies, all i did was point out that routes shouldnt be driven on a weekly or fortnightly basis. just because i advertise a route for greenlaning, doesnt make me a hypocrite.

why dont you have a think about things, and calm down before writing your educated replies?

and for your info, you cant drive byways... only Byways Open To All Traffic (BOAT's). just incase novice readers make this mistake and think they can venture along any dotted red route on an os map.

cocknee... HAHAHA!

ha ha ha, i was merely pointing out that donkey called you the hypocrite, just so he didnt get confused reading trevors post ;)
he he what a laugh we`ll have friends of the earth and greenpeace on here next
its only a bit of mud and water ,id better not say what i do on blackpool beach
:D :D :eek: but dont eat fish from the irish sea ;)
he he what a laugh we`ll have friends of the earth and greenpeace on here next
its only a bit of mud and water ,id better not say what i do on blackpool beach
:D :D :eek: but dont eat fish from the irish sea ;)

What do you do on Blackpool beach then pray tell...Go know you want too...:D :D :D :D :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :cool:
lmao well ......nah mate i might get told off and im only 46 and a quarter :D i will pm you thing for this thread is accy to lock it and start another one next time you go out and hopefully it wont get ruined by other blokes complaining/moaning your only here once so ENJOY ;)
lmao well ......nah mate i might get told off and im only 46 and a quarter :D i will pm you thing for this thread is accy to lock it and start another one next time you go out and hopefully it wont get ruined by other blokes complaining/moaning your only here once so ENJOY ;)

Could,nt agree more mate...Imagine the slagging off i,m gonna get when we do an all dayer!!! LMFAO:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Accy, if your reading this lock it off mate please...The kids are getting restless yeah? :D :D :D :D
Could,nt agree more mate...Imagine the slagging of i,m gonna get when we do an all dayer!!! LMFAO:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Accy, if your reading this lock it off mate please...The kids are getting restless yeah? :D :D :D :D

Just emailed Accy and asked him to close this thread...:D :D :D :D
nice one it started of as good post some great pics etc but then went downhill
if i see a topic i dont like i just ignore it but such is life
one thing ive noticed since accy banned that bucket mouth for bad langauge it has deffinateley improved ok mate im takin the dogs catch ya later ;)
nice one it started of as good post some great pics etc but then went downhill
if i see a topic i dont like i just ignore it but such is life
one thing ive noticed since accy banned that bucket mouth for bad langauge it has deffinateley improved ok mate im takin the dogs catch ya later ;)

Later mate...Dont go on that beach now... lmao...:D
I dont imagine for one minute that Accy is going to put a halt to this thread ............................Why?............................................'Cos it's so chuffin' hillarious.

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