I said greenlane code not pointer. It's a code responsible people using greenlanes follow so they don't get abused (the greenlanes not the users) and consequently closed.
I said greenlane code not pointer. It's a code responsible people using greenlanes follow so they don't get abused (the greenlanes not the users) and consequently closed.

Yeah and you insinuated that we,d been abusing them!! Who says i aint using them responsibly?? Coz you certainly dont have a clue! You should get out more and get a life!!
Just wanna say that all codes were followed ie, stopped and engines shut down to allow a horse and rider past, vehicles slowed to a minimum or stopped if dogs loose near walkers/dogs, no litter, no horns..... A lot of the walkers actually smiled or waved at us......

We all said we were disgusted with some quad bikers who were tear arsing about.....

Those are the ones who give us a bad name......:cool:
I'm terribly sorry I've offended you. By looking at your photo's I've assumed that they a true representation of your day out greenlaning. I have also assumed that in no way will you have contributed to the well being of the said greenlanes by driving down them. Me being stupid and not having a clue nor a life would not have know you were a responsible greenlaner and will in future look up to you with admiration.
oooh grunters joined the donkey's forever growing ignore list .no wonder he calls himself donkey, his real name is nigel, but he wont be able to read this as im on his ignore list as well ;)
Good, now p*** off.. :D

Dont know what he said mate coz he,s been added to my ignore list but WELL SAID...Some people on here just like to wind others up eh? Well all i can say is they probably dont get out much eh...And they especially dont have as much fun as we had today..I,m still grinning mate..:D :D :D :D
kinell, we had 3 pages of luvvin up chit chat fer half a days laning, god help us when they plan a full day
Unfortunately you've put me on your ignore list, which incidentally I didn't know existed 'till you came along, any old how I wasn't trying to wind you up I was tying to educate you in a non condesending or patronising way by using humour, unfortunately your sense of humour is too remote from mine and I failed, you went immediately into eastenderland took the hump and started insulting me.

Stuff your pointer...I already have 3 greenlane finders!

ha ha ha , you thick ****, he said the green lane code, ffs its a code of practice on how to drive green lanes without destroying them, the proper way, like in the low box, second gear,oh by the way, love the bush hat ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha , you thick ****, he said the green lane code, ffs its a code of practice on how to drive green lanes without destroying them, the proper way, like in the low box, second gear,oh by the way, love the bush hat ha ha ha ha
why is this site just full of slaggin/slattin off i thought it was for people with the same interests obviously not .
ive never had msn (microsoft messenger ) but ive seen it and i think this site is getting more like it,yeah i know i can go else where or fukc off as the reply might be but ive got broad shoulders .what donk codbasher and jesus did today looked fun better than pushin a trolley round sainsburys with er indoors im no angel but why the hostilety ?????? or is it just keyboard syndrome :mad:
why is this site just full of slaggin/slattin off i thought it was for people with the same interests obviously not .
ive never had msn (microsoft messenger ) but ive seen it and i think this site is getting more like it,yeah i know i can go else where or fukc off as the reply might be but ive got broad shoulders .what donk codbasher and jesus did today looked fun better than pushin a trolley round sainsburys with er indoors im no angel but why the hostilety ?????? or is it just keyboard syndrome :mad:

WELL said Chris...I aint got no idea what they just said to wind you up but well said anyhow...I,ve put most of the Jerkoffs on here on my ignore list coz they are just wind up merchants with no spines..Face to face it would be a different story i reckon...A PC and keyboard in front of em and they suddenly become brave men.....Let em get on wiv it...Obviously they have no interest in 4x4s or Land Rovers eh? They just live such sad lives, they have nothing else better to do ..:cool:
nowt donk its just the abusive in general,i came on here last night and there was 21 members and 121 guests i just wondered what they thought ! no ones had a go at me ,but early doors yet :)
nowt donk its just the abusive in general,i came on here last night and there was 21 members and 121 guests i just wondered what they thought ! no ones had a go at me ,but early doors yet :)

I really dont see why they come on here to abuse everybody and generally just try to wind people up....Dont see the point....The Land Rover Forum is exactly the same.....You would think that everybody would want to get on and enjoy 4x4s and Land Rovers.. And anything to do with either yes? Maybe not it seems...Still hey-ho.....There are some true enthusiasts on here right?? Speak to you soon mate...:) :D
We must do the start of that other lane again, that was an awesome climb, once I got going :eek:

Just been out again Simon...Had 2 hours of bliss....Its even wetter up on the downs now coz we,ve had some moderate rain fall today....Had some really good slips and slides...
Putting new bull bar on tomorrow mate coz my bumper has had it now.. A tree jumped out on me today! Dohh! Just came out of nowhere... Dont figure eh....Speak to you soon mate...
Lucky you.......

I had 7 hours of fitting rear camera, mudflaps, watching fitter replace spring hanger bush, replace two oil seals, drink 6 cups of tea.......

Bet it will be a damn site wetter up there on Sunday, meant to have heavy rain and gales overnight tonight.....:(
Lucky you.......

I had 7 hours of fitting rear camera, mudflaps, watching fitter replace spring hanger bush, replace two oil seals, drink 6 cups of tea.......

Bet it will be a damn site wetter up there on Sunday, meant to have heavy rain and gales overnight tonight.....:(

BRING it ON...Yeah...Loads on "Snot" Had a fair bit up on the downs today so by the weekend(Sunday) it should be well slip slidey...Gonna get up there again by a week Sunday if you can get over my friend...:D

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