i reckon cats summed yer man chris up with the bit about people not getting it, he aint even one of coddy or even donk's mates, he lives the other end of the country ffs, he's obviously one of those that jumps on whatever band wagon is passing
Oi, Cats. Just noticed, you've just passed the 1000 posts mark & you've only bin a member since Nov' AND you don't have t'internet @ home!

Do you do anything @ work?
S'usually when I sober up after a long nights, drunken sesh of posting (nope, not fer a long time more's the pity!) that I read 'em back thinking I've bin really witty & realise they're virtually unreadable & I sounded like a prize tit!

So, Daft, it's only just turned a'rternoon, what's your excuse? ;)

i live in B'stoke! :p
Now that all depends on what they are doing............

And on that note, I really am going home.
See you later. ;)

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