
Active Member
Hi any 1 in here had sunburn that started itching 2 days later i have had it 4 days now and it's horrid it sounds silly as it's an itch but this would and does put people in tears I have tried every cream / cold n hot baths scratching the lot with no stopping it the 1st day I had it it hurt so bad I nearly cried lieing in a stone cold bath :jaw:I had to pop a sleeping tab for me to have some relief and workd a treat until I woke up
Yes I know it can be very unpleasant. I used to get it nearly every time I went out in the sun when I was younger. Hold tight, it does get better, but can last a few days, especially if you've caught the sun several days in a row. Some of those spray on sunburn treatments like Solarcaine can give you a little relief. As can over the counter pain relievers like Nurofen.

Strangely enough, now I'm past 40 it doesn't trouble me at all and I can get a suntan. Maybe I'm old and leathery. Shows your skin must be young!
Yes I know it can be very unpleasant. I used to get it nearly every time I went out in the sun when I was younger. Hold tight, it does get better, but can last a few days, especially if you've caught the sun several days in a row. Some of those spray on sunburn treatments like Solarcaine can give you a little relief. As can over the counter pain relievers like Nurofen.

Strangely enough, now I'm past 40 it doesn't trouble me at all and I can get a suntan. Maybe I'm old and leathery. Shows your skin must be young!

It's horrid I had it 10 years ago and stayed out the sun and Thursday I thought I'd do my garden without my top :eek:bad idea I'm ginger and pale at the end of the day I was only burned and red but this itch that came as I remember before was worse I tyres x2 500 mg cocadmal no luck . All creams there was to try no luck 1 sleeper work till I woke but now I have found somet that does sort of ease pain for a while hot hair dryer direct on my back with movements feels better for now . For the ppl ion they just think it's sunburn and I'm exaggerating
Yes, I know what it is like - everybody else is taking their shirts off and getting a suntan and you think what's the harm for a little while, but you pay for it later. My experience is that cream isn't very helpful. It feels alright when it goes on, but the greasy feeling makes things worse later. I found the sprays a bit better. Oh, and it takes more than 2 painkillers!
You must be mad to expose your skin if you're ginger and pale. Only 3 days to the longest day where UV is at its highest intensity. Please get some factor 50 on next time you strip off.
You have what sounds like prickly heat
get your self some Antihistamines something like Pirtron are good
just ask your local chemist
Natural yoghurt out the fridge, take anti histamine paracetamol & ibuprofen.

You will need to rinse the yoghurt off after an hour as it will dry like a crust!
You will need to rinse the yoghurt off after an hour as it will dry like a crust![/quote]

Why tell him that would have been funny :p
plus take his mind off the itchin
6th day today with this horrid itch . It's not prickly heat I wish it was.
I've had all above creams lotions ' tabs liquids etc no luck I was stupid going out with no sun lotion and will never do it agen . I went to the doctors and there's no cure as it's so rare but it is over google how bad people suffer with it . Hells itch is the name . Thanks for the help guys
I know this post is a little old, but I ran across it last night while trying to find relief for my uncontrollable itch from a sunburn I recieved while (stupidly) fishing for 4 hours with no sun block. I am from America but my genes tie to Ireland, so ive been dealing with sunburn my ENTIRE life. But nothing... NOTHING like this has ever happened to me. I want to offer what helped me get over this excruciating experience so maybe I can help someone else. I NEVER want to feel the way That I did last night ever again. I rubbed aloe lotion on my sunburn hoping to moisturize my skin, It is 48 hours after I received my sunburn. I know this is going to sound painful and counter productive, but it helped me. A hot shower and some A&D ointment (diaper rash cream). Devils itch is caused by damage to your skin by UV rays, your nerve endings are under your skin and the sun has damaged them so much that they're "firing" all at once, causing an itch that will make you want to cut your skin off. By standing in a hot shower (as hot as you can stand) the hot water (will burn!!) will some what numb the itch... It took me 45 minutes to make the pain bearable. After you get out of the shower pat dry the area and apply lots of A&D ointment... Its not a "quick" fix, but it only took about 30 minutes for it to become tolerable. Also... An antihistamine such as benadryl isn't a bad idea. Its 13 hours since I started itching and I'm finally able to almost sleep. I really hope this helps someone out. I wouldn't wish this pain on my worst enemy.
OTE="13E41V, post: 3104041, member: 96404"]It's horrid I had it 10 years ago and stayed out the sun and Thursday I thought I'd do my garden without my top :eek:bad idea I'm ginger and pale at the end of the day I was only burned and red but this itch that came as I remember before was worse I tyres x2 500 mg cocadmal no luck . All creams there was to try no luck 1 sleeper work till I woke but now I have found somet that does sort of ease pain for a while hot hair dryer direct on my back with movements feels better for now . For the ppl ion they just think it's sunburn and I'm exaggerating[/QUOTE]
Prickly heat is gopping! I used to get it all the time in the jungle when I was in the mob and it was hideous. I discovered that high amounts of vitamin c and sudacreme hit the spot.

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