I is a hippo
Nope, you's a chicken
goo gle says it's 170 miles away which int my fault.
I would like to see a pic of the 45 degree hill. That's 1 meter across for every 1 meter up. Thas step. I can't tell from the pic's on this fred how steep the hill is where the cvr is physically. In my opinion it's bellied out so likely to be caught on something. It would need lifted up a bit ont ditch side and some support under the wheels before being pulled forward. Pulling it without lifting could end in a lot of damage to the crv and possibly a fool leak ont hill side.
It would certainly make it easier to move if it was off the ground.
I wonder what access is like from behind? Again, difficult to see, but the assumption is that he came up the hill?
I think it would be best to roll it onto its roof, which increases its footprint and decreases ground pressure. Then just slide it back downhill. Aim it at a large rock to tip it back on its wheels near the bottom.
Alternatively it could be stripped for scrap where it is, or simply torched to give nature a head start in reclaiming it.
Does yer need a group of Freelanders ont road tyres to go and rescue it?

goo gle says it's 170 miles away which int my fault.
I would like to see a pic of the 45 degree hill. That's 1 meter across for every 1 meter up. Thas step. I can't tell from the pic's on this fred how steep the hill is where the cvr is physically. In my opinion it's bellied out so likely to be caught on something. It would need lifted up a bit ont ditch side and some support under the wheels before being pulled forward. Pulling it without lifting could end in a lot of damage to the crv and possibly a fool leak ont hill side.


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