i wonder what chance there would be of digging it out to, at least, allow it to move?

Obviously I have not seen it, so difficult to say for sure.
But my experience of that sort of peaty ground is that, when waterlogged, it is almost impossible.
If you could jack it up, maybe using baulks of wood for support, and jacking in small increments, and pack stones or timber under the wheels as they start to lift, you might be in with a shout.
But it does beg the question of whether anyone wants to do that, in view of the age and low value of the vehicle, and the fact that the driver is not known to anyone on LZ, and does not appear to be vulnerable or in actual danger.

Once the daylength increases, and the sun dries the ground, making it harder and much less slippery, recovery might be easier.
But in any case, I guess it is up to the LZ Despatch Agents, and anyone who wants to do it, to make these judgements. :)
Obviously I have not seen it, so difficult to say for sure.
But my experience of that sort of peaty ground is that, when waterlogged, it is almost impossible.
If you could jack it up, maybe using baulks of wood for support, and jacking in small increments, and pack stones or timber under the wheels as they start to lift, you might be in with a shout.
But it does beg the question of whether anyone wants to do that, in view of the age and low value of the vehicle, and the fact that the driver is not known to anyone on LZ, and does not appear to be vulnerable or in actual danger.

Once the daylength increases, and the sun dries the ground, making it harder and much less slippery, recovery might be easier.
But in any case, I guess it is up to the LZ Despatch Agents, and anyone who wants to do it, to make these judgements. :)
it was a hypothetical question.... but an interesting technical challenge tho :)
it was a hypothetical question.... but in interesting technical challenge tho :)

It was a hypothetical answer too. I am a long way away, and got a lot on. :)

If it was mine, I think I would get a 4wd tractor, and if the tractor could approach from the downhill side, attach a big chain, and try and tow it back on the track downhill.
It is possible the thing would roll over into the swamp, but as I say, the stakes are not high anyway.
Does yer need a group of Freelanders ont road tyres to go and rescue it?

Personally, I would not say I need that. ;):)

But if you fancy the challenge, and the opportunity to prove once and for all the capabilities of a Freely on wet grass, go for it! :D
Obviously I have not seen it, so difficult to say for sure.
But my experience of that sort of peaty ground is that, when waterlogged, it is almost impossible.
If you could jack it up, maybe using baulks of wood for support, and jacking in small increments, and pack stones or timber under the wheels as they start to lift, you might be in with a shout.
But it does beg the question of whether anyone wants to do that, in view of the age and low value of the vehicle, and the fact that the driver is not known to anyone on LZ, and does not appear to be vulnerable or in actual danger.

Once the daylength increases, and the sun dries the ground, making it harder and much less slippery, recovery might be easier.
But in any case, I guess it is up to the LZ Despatch Agents, and anyone who wants to do it, to make these judgements. :)

I have an idea to recover it.

it was a hypothetical question.... but an interesting technical challenge tho :)

I submitted a winching diagram & plan.

If OP comes back and want's to let us play, then I'm up for a jolly out.
I submitted a winching diagram & plan.

If OP comes back and want's to let us play, then I'm up for a jolly out.

As LZDA , Shirley you must have access to, or know someone who has access to his contact info.

Then you can always arrange a wee trip up there with a couple of others to go and play.

As LZDA , Shirley you must have access to, or know someone who has access to his contact info.

Then you can always arrange a wee trip up there with a couple of others to go and play.


I could, but I would rather the OP came to us on bended knee ;)
I'm tempted to get contact info of MHM as weather next week is supposed to be good right into the weekend.

Not sure who else would fancy it? It is a bit of a treck from central south coast mind, possibly a weekend jolly with some actual legal Welsh green lanes?
goo gle recons 3 hours away but I don't know where it is
tis stuck near the end of the world :eek:
You is a.........

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