Please will everybody read posts 1-24.
Suggestions about what could be done differently.

Are you saying we should never recover vehicles any more?

here’s one of my concerns, if a new member comes on and asks for help, then if only one person goes out , only to meet the person who is supposedly stuck who is actually met by a few more people who then nicks their landy

do feel LZIR should only be there for someone who is known on the forum and not someone with just 1 x post

just a thought
here’s one of my concerns, if a new member comes on and asks for help, then if only one person goes out , only to meet the person who is supposedly stuck who is actually met by a few more people who then nicks their landy

just a thought
This has been discussed before and why we recommend going in a group of, at least, 2. Unfortunately that doesn’t always happen in the eagerness to be there first.
This has been discussed before and why we recommend going in a group of, at least, 2. Unfortunately that doesn’t always happen in the eagerness to be there first.

apologies and do understand it’s finding solutions where it’s helping mates and not allowing it to be abused , but like everything there are always some who try it on

may i ask has the crv owner recently contacted anyone from here yet
Not saying no recoveries ever, but off piste somewhere as sketchy as it sounds was, in hindsight, put a member and their car at risk. It’s for us as individuals to decide what is possible and what’s not on arrival, it’s something we need to learn from. I’ve not read every single post so I should probably feck off!
apologies and do understand it’s finding solutions where it’s helping mates and not allowing it to be abused , but like everything there are always some who try it on

may i ask has the crv owner recently contacted anyone from here yet
no need to apologise. Systems can always be improved. My apologies to those that think my posts seem officious or demanding. I do always stress that Lzir is a volunteer service. Nothing is obligatory, however it is a source of frustration when those that are local to an op and have signed up to Lzir, don’t reply within 22 secs, and we then need to contact those further afield. Some have driven a couple of hours to help.
It’s a difficult line to tread. No he has been a bit quiet on here and FB since.... but we have his number ;)
Not saying no recoveries ever, but off piste somewhere as sketchy as it sounds was, in hindsight, put a member and their car at risk. It’s for us as individuals to decide what is possible and what’s not on arrival, it’s something we need to learn from. I’ve not read every single post so I should probably feck off!
If you read the first 24 posts of the thread, it didn’t sound dodgy, or off piste
no need to apologise. Systems can always be improved. My apologies to those that think my posts seem officious or demanding. I do always stress that Lzir is a volunteer service. Nothing is obligatory, however it is a source of frustration when those that are local to an op and have signed up to Lzir, don’t reply within 22 secs, and we then need to contact those further afield. Some have driven a couple of hours to help.
It’s a difficult line to tread. No he has been a bit quiet on here and FB since.... but we have his number ;)

that’s terrible if he has gone quiet , i hope he at least covered fuel costs etc , if not wonder how big the bill will be for him if the police notice an abandoned vehicle

alas, in life as we all know , always hope if u help others that one day when u want help someone will,
Judging by the long convoys (8/10 ) of very well equipped Land Rovers which pass our house on their routes to/between/from their off-road routes, bearing the logos of specific 4x4 clubs from the area involved in this thread, I just wondered why the OP didn't try to use one of these. Perhaps he did .... with no interest from them.
Judging by the long convoys (8/10 ) of very well equipped Land Rovers which pass our house on their routes to/between/from their off-road routes, bearing the logos of specific 4x4 clubs from the area involved in this thread, I just wondered why the OP didn't try to use one of these. Perhaps he did .... with no interest from them.

maybe they also knew the area and the location where he was stuck ;)
That's good that 1 of the local clubs responded, but there are more about who don't seem to have done so.
It just boils down to desicion making if you attend someone. Do I attempt recovery or just do a sandwich run til proffessionals/someone competent to recover safely arrives..?
OK, it was a cock-up from the start. Poor information particularly, some mistakes were made, and I accept my responsibility for those which I made, but at least we can take heart that the OP's vehicle wasn't damaged by any action taken by LZIR, there was no way I could get enough grip to even move it. After I tried just twice I realised that a tractor was needed and decided to vacate the area and that was "the rock upon which I perished".
If his vehicle was damaged by "others" then that's his lookout.
Well ive not contacted the op ive spent today cleaning the landy and having a looksy. Apart from the cover for the top of the snorkel and a window deflactor its fine so im v happy i would def help again but would find out more info. About it next time. As for fuel money. I diddnt do it for money but. Thats how it goes. Glad we managed to get brian 47 out and me in the end
OK, it was a cock-up from the start. Poor information particularly, some mistakes were made, and I accept my responsibility for those which I made, but at least we can take heart that the OP's vehicle wasn't damaged by any action taken by LZIR, there was no way I could get enough grip to even move it. After I tried just twice I realised that a tractor was needed and decided to vacate the area and that was "the rock upon which I perished".
If his vehicle was damaged by "others" then that's his lookout.

if i may say after seeing the pics i take my hat off to u for getting where u did

i think u have the entire forums admiration for ur fantastic efforts :D:D
Apart from the cover for the top of the snorkel

Did you lose it or break it?

I have taken to facing mine backwards after forgetting yet again to revolve it at the start of the greenlaning day and it catching on a branch, Mine is now a glued together puzzle. :p:p


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