We have rules on how to rescue peeps in order to keep peeps safe. It's a risk going to meet someone yer dun't know. Once yer there it's too tempting to jump in and attempt a rescue, regardless if its possible or not. It also takes the pressure oft the rescuers if they choose to back away from the rescue or need to dial 0800freelander fer help if they get stuck during the rescue themselves. The dispatch agents are there to do the organising. They're there as a central point of contact. They also record the private information in case something goes wrong and we need to call in the eggspurts like 999 or Thunderbirds.
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Joined this thread a little late, so I hope you don't mind me sticking my 10p worth in.

Personally, I think it's a good thing having 'Desptch Agents', especially if it means our safety is being looked after. Despite now being in my 40's, I still get a rush of excitment getting out in the Landy, and quite often I can be a little over confident. I was quite up for being part of a second trip up to the Wales incident when it was discussed about going back in better conditions to move the CRV. Knowing how good our trucks are off road, it can be easy overlook some of the risk.
And whilst it's good to help pass the time with our comrades that are stuck, and a bit of banter and **** taking is fun, as has been mentioned, if the situation is potentially quite a serious one, focus shouldn't be drawn away from the issue in hand. I think it's more sensible to save the joking about each situation until we know the person asking for help is recovered and safe.
if its serious the relevant service should be dealing with it, not lz
Just out of interest, who are the relevant services that deal with stuck vehicles in non life threatening situations?

We always used to pull them out with our own tractors.
If yer in the AA or RAC and call them they will help organise a rescue by professionals but they will charge for it. If yer stuck and need help then it's an option. They will manage the rescue on your behalf.
I like the way LZIR works. Just a way to co-ordinate folk that would probs usually stop anyway if they saw some in trouble.

Works well far as i can tell, guys do a great job of it.

Some people may not be able to afford specialist AA/RAC recovery, or the off chance that someone on LZIR is local!

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