FFS come on, he would have contacted the emergency services if he was in imminent danger not Landyzone. Get a grip!

He is supposed to do that. It is the role of the despatch agents, to prevent situations like happened with the bloke in Wales, who joined the forum to get free recovery.

We were just filling in time until one of them turned up.
He is supposed to do that. It is the role of the despatch agents, to prevent situations like happened with the bloke in Wales, who joined the forum to get free recovery.

We were just filling in time until one of them turned up.
see #15 & #19.
Turbo, calling them that will only encourage them!!! :D :D :D

I want to encourage them, somebody has to do it.
The business in Wales was actually serious, members vehicles were endangered, and maybe the safety of some members.
Not really something that should happen again if possible.
The despatch agent idea may not be perfect, but it is better than nothing, and the people that are doing it are involved in safety assessment in their day to day lives.
I want to encourage them, somebody has to do it.
The business in Wales was actually serious, members vehicles were endangered, and maybe the safety of some members.
Not really something that should happen again if possible.
The despatch agent idea may not be perfect, but it is better than nothing, and the people that are doing it are involved in safety assessment in their day to day lives.

I don't really care either way, its all common sense and logic at the end of the day. I was taking the píss out of them being called " Despatch Agents", I bet they get a right semi when called that, I'm surprised they don't have little badges they can pin on their chest to show how officiously important and powerful they are ffs :D :D :p
I don't really care either way, its all common sense and logic at the end of the day. I was taking the píss out of them being called " Despatch Agents", I bet they get a right semi when called that, I'm surprised they don't have little badges they can pin on their chest to show how officiously important and powerful they are ffs :D :D :p

You Jealous????...........Do you want a speshul badge as well??.....LOL

I don't really care either way, its all common sense and logic at the end of the day. I was taking the píss out of them being called " Despatch Agents", I bet they get a right semi when called that, I'm surprised they don't have little badges they can pin on their chest to show how officiously important and powerful they are ffs :D :D :p

Common sense and logic are hard to apply if someone we don't know posts up and gives a misleading description of the circumstances they are in.

Personally, I haven't seen any abuse of power or egotism on the part of the agents, two of whom I have met personally, not in connection with LZIR.
I want to encourage them, somebody has to do it.
The business in Wales was actually serious, members vehicles were endangered, and maybe the safety of some members.
Not really something that should happen again if possible.
The despatch agent idea may not be perfect, but it is better than nothing, and the people that are doing it are involved in safety assessment in their day to day lives.

Sorry, busy with the work today, been tarmac laying and it requires a a good bit of concentration, hope to be back to normal interweb surfing from lunch time tomorrow :)
Common sense and logic are hard to apply if someone we don't know posts up and gives a misleading description of the circumstances they are in.

Personally, I haven't seen any abuse of power or egotism on the part of the agents, two of whom I have met personally, not in connection with LZIR.

How has that got anything to do with some pompous self styled title?
How has that got anything to do with some pompous self styled title?

I don't think it is self styled, it was invented by the owners and mods, as far as I know.

You should sign up for the job too, you are experienced with safety stuff as well. :)
Sorry, busy with the work today, been tarmac laying and it requires a a good bit of concentration, hope to be back to normal interweb surfing from lunch time tomorrow :)

No problem for me, or, as it turns out, anyone else. It was right at the other end of the UK, and the chap managed to get a passing motorist to recover him without incident.
As already said, we very nearly had a rescue go horribly pear shaped last year after being given dodgy info about the circumstances and after a long and protracted forum wide discussion it was decided by LZIR organisors, Accy and Roy to ask others with pro H&S experience to help draw up a proceedure and help encourage it to be followed to protect volunteers and their vehicles both physically and legally.....rather than relying on Daft, whos retired and getting a bit dribbly and myself who's in a permanent state of cake distraction and confused as to why concrete blocks are so much heavier than they use to be :confused:

That and keeping tabs on who has been contacted and who is talking to who can be hectic enough.

That said it can be helpful for the thread to stay Live while waiting for more information so long as it doesnt distract from important info as it arrives.
Ahh... someone who has not read the instructions.
Before you shout your mouth off, please read:

Then come back and apologise.

You sir have total delusions of grandeur and your delusional-ism is confirmed if you think the 2 links you have posted are going to force an apology from me. No where in your links does it mention "dispatch agents" should totally over react to a situation and also start policing what other members comment. I suggest you start wearing your underpants underneath your trousers and rejoin the real world!
You sir have total delusions of grandeur and your delusional-ism is confirmed if you think the 2 links you have posted are going to force an apology from me. No where in your links does it mention "dispatch agents" should totally over react to a situation and also start policing what other members comment. I suggest you start wearing your underpants underneath your trousers and rejoin the real world!
No, I believe you have totally missed the point and also the subsequent posts - try #56 for a start - or look back at other requests this year and see the exact same thing happening...

Remember, we are all volunteers.
To all who volunteer their time to ensure we all can call on some one in our time of need, thank you.

iv seen clubs/forums etc all fail due to people on the side lines moaning of how things are done wrong.

Before I get any stupid comments
Yes I have gave time to this forum for recovery & people who have Been helped understand why stupid H&S questions are asked to cover every possible problem.

Keep up the good work
Joined this thread a little late, so I hope you don't mind me sticking my 10p worth in.

Personally, I think it's a good thing having 'Desptch Agents', especially if it means our safety is being looked after. Despite now being in my 40's, I still get a rush of excitment getting out in the Landy, and quite often I can be a little over confident. I was quite up for being part of a second trip up to the Wales incident when it was discussed about going back in better conditions to move the CRV. Knowing how good our trucks are off road, it can be easy overlook some of the risk.
And whilst it's good to help pass the time with our comrades that are stuck, and a bit of banter and **** taking is fun, as has been mentioned, if the situation is potentially quite a serious one, focus shouldn't be drawn away from the issue in hand. I think it's more sensible to save the joking about each situation until we know the person asking for help is recovered and safe.

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