One of our friends got stuck yesterday, didnt see the ditch as the snow was hiding it. The cross member mounted the brick wall, when we arrived a Rangie was trying to tow her out but couldnt as no grip. I didnt have any straps or a tow rope.... Then a nice chap came along in a Defender all kitted up with straps and meaty tyres.

A quick tug got her off the wall and back on the road. :D

Well having just read the posts and had a laugh.I have got to say Im with ....Redhands posts on this subject. I never went to work,But had a good time watching the stupid idiots slipping and sliding along the road.
Last time I checked going to work to make that paper stuff called money was essential if you want to eat and keep your house lol
90 per cent of the people driving on the roads havnt got a clueabout driving on anything other than reasonably dry tarmac, most dont even realise that water is an excelent lubricant for rubber, unless you extend the theory part of the driving test beyond accident avoidance things wont get any better.

tv shows with the emphasis on 0 to 60 times and squeeling smoking tyres dont help either.
Going back to the range rover sport, when will people learn that Terrain Response is only as good as the set of tyres on it. Road tyres aren't them. Really angers me how people go out in their LRs with TR and blame the car for not performing in the snow. BUY SOME FOOKIN AT OR SNOW TYRES THEN YOU BASTARDS!!!!!!!!

Spent ages yesterday pm hauling idiots out of danger on Minchinhampton common (Redhand knows it). Over 2 feet of drifts in places and Beemers stuck everywhere. Even helped the actor Keith Allen (Sheriff of Nottingham) pulling someone out. I towed a stunning new Focus RS a few miles as he was totally stuck and got a nice single malt out of it so can't be all bad!
Spent ages yesterday pm hauling idiots out of danger on Minchinhampton common (Redhand knows it). Over 2 feet of drifts in places and Beemers stuck everywhere. Even helped the actor Keith Allen (Sheriff of Nottingham) pulling someone out. I towed a stunning new Focus RS a few miles as he was totally stuck and got a nice single malt out of it so can't be all bad!
so all that training on the plain paid of then:D
My mate thought he'd try be a hero pulling a friends td5 out of a ditch and 3 foot snow drift. He proceeded to end up in the same ditch but a lot more stuck. Had a go at tryin to get me to pull them both out but best offer he got was a lift home and a hand this morning. Took a tractor and a 110 with a hydraulic winch to get him out. Needless to say we are staying firmly in the pub tonight. Pics were further down the hill

It's all well and good saying people are idiots for going out in the snow when the govoment is saying stay at home unless you need to travel
But like most people I work for a living and if I don't turn up I don't get paid
So I class that as Important and a need to travel
And my job is a hgv driver delivering food to shops so again if I don't go out on the roads people can't eat and Its not as if i can fit winter tyres to my lorry
so I can only do what I can do and if someone is driving about in there land rover wanting to help people out maybe me if my lorry gets stuck then good on them
I do beleave that if someone is going out to the shops in there car and the shop is within walking distance then they should be walking that makes sense
The biggest problem is 80% of drivers that do go out are not prepared for the conditions now that could be that they don't have the mind set or forward planning for the ice and snow or it could be that they have not got the right equipment of the job ie winter tyres shovel etc etc and getting back to the govoment recommendations if the listen to there advice to drive in the snow all you need is a flask of hot soup a blanket and make sure your phone is charged up
So keep up the good work to all the landy owners who are helping out stranded motorist it mite even change what some driver think of us because in the eyes of some we are just a bunch of ****ers who ruin the green lanes and kill the ozone layer
Nope just don't understand why peeps feel the need to drive around looking for cars to rescue. As some sort of justification for owning a landy.

for 11 mnths we get sneered at for driving gas guzzling chelsea tractors so for a few weeks its nice to be a bit smug and its nice to be nice and lend a hand
Got asked to tow a focus out of a field last night on my way home from the pub( designated driver) id seen his tire tracks all over the road on my journey to where he was, clearly playing funny buggers on the road on both sides of the road , he lost it on a round about and smashed up the kerb , judging by the nick of his front wheels and where he ended up he was doing some lick

I said no im not towing you out because your cars safer sitting there till recovery arrives , your front wheels are pointing at each other and flat you cant drive it. - will give you a lift to town if you want. Didnt seem to appease him so i carried on my way and left him and his girlfriend in the field.
Quite agree , shame not everyone else thinks like it , guess some people are to busy posting thousands of posts to go out in the first place !

Hahaha you don't know ****e ya fookwit. Before I moved darn sarf to live among yu fooking inbred retards. I was a very active member of HumberYorks4x4Response. & spent several long cold nights dragging lines of cars driven by fookwits, up frozen hills.

Me & Robint Jan 2010. rescuing a stuck lorry.

SO can we a great big FOOK YOO dog****..:rolleyes:.
Ooooooh Touchy for such a seasoned LZ'r then again ex response..........................

hehe Lol!!

Did i hear your sleeping in your motor Redhand???
Ooooooh Touchy for such a seasoned LZ'r then again ex response..........................
Yeah was good fun actually and a goodf set of lads. I am led to believe the groups has sort of imploded on itself and they've all chucked their toys outta pram. :D

Did i hear your sleeping in your motor Redhand???

Yep when I actually get time off from posting thousands of pointless posts.. :eek: :rolleyes: :D :D

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