lucky there wernt a large water filled ditch hidding under the snow

here in somerset we had about 3 inches, but there was no ice under it , went out in the picasso about 10 am no trouble on the lanes at all , the abs kicked in on the test emergency stop just down the road, but no trouble at all driving sensibly.

its been melting a bit all day so tomorrow morning might be a bit interesting if it freezes.
pikeys only upset cos he couldn't go as there was over 10" snow outside and he would be lost forever if he stepped in it or atleast until the snow melted
Tis pointless the muppets will just get stuck on the next hill or sharp bend they come to. :rolleyes:

o well lets just shut down the country cos of bit of snow and possibly getting stuck hope you get stuck really deep and stranded for dayyyyyss lmao
o well lets just shut down the country cos of bit of snow and possibly getting stuck hope you get stuck really deep and stranded for dayyyyyss lmao

Errm ya have to go out in the snow for that to happen?? Did you not read my post. If it int essential ya shouldn't be out in the snow. If ya too stupid to take heed of Government warnings. then ya deserve to get fooking stuck..
Went out on some of the back roads today in the series as we only had a few inches of snow,got further and further up the hills and the wind was howling and blowing all the snow over the road,then i came across a 5 foot deep drift with a shogun stuck in it :eek:
Tried digging it out but couldn't,then tried to winch it but couldn't get grip so was just pulling my landy towards the shogun.
in the end the farmer dragged it out with a tractor,it was well stuck! :)




LOL, when I bought the Landy I joined some Facebook groups.

Just laughing as one of them is actually posting asking to take people to work and rescue them :confused::confused::confused:

Are they mad
Went out on some of the back roads today in the series as we only had a few inches of snow,got further and further up the hills and the wind was howling and blowing all the snow over the road,then i came across a 5 foot deep drift with a shogun stuck in it :eek:
Tried digging it out but couldn't,then tried to winch it but couldn't get grip so was just pulling my landy towards the shogun.
in the end the farmer dragged it out with a tractor,it was well stuck! :)




blimey that was stuck:eek:
LOL, when I bought the Landy I joined some Facebook groups.

Just laughing as one of them is actually posting asking to take people to work and rescue them :confused::confused::confused:

Are they mad

and not insured for hire and reward plus car not plated for such purpose. Peeps are so stupid they help out it goes wrong peeps your helping forget that and sue.
stupid stupid stupid
If ya too stupid to take heed of Government warnings. then ya deserve to get fooking stuck..

But the Government keep telling me to stop smoking, stop drinking, stop driving, stop eating just about everything:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Iz you suggesting I should start listening to the shower of ****e:confused::confused::confused::confused::D:D:D:p:p:p;););)
o well lets just shut down the country cos of bit of snow and possibly getting stuck hope you get stuck really deep and stranded for dayyyyyss lmao

It's better to say nothing and be thought stupid than to open yer gob and remove all doubt :rolleyes:

Centre of town here is at the bottom of a 3/4mile long hill up to the top of the Cotswolds where the snow is really deep.

1st thing this morning cars were making more progress sideways than they were up when they had hardly started to climb the hill. I thought about giving some a tow but there were dozens and the best I would've acheived would be to get them out of town and into more trouble.

Everyone with any sense had stopped at wherever the bit of the side of the road they had slide into was and waited for the snow-ploughs.

The muppets were the only ones left, feet flat to the floor, sliding sideways into whoever was unlucky enough to be anywhere near them.
LOL, when I bought the Landy I joined some Facebook groups.

Just laughing as one of them is actually posting asking to take people to work and rescue them :confused::confused::confused:

Are they mad

Last time we had a decent amount of snow the Mrs and I ferried hospital staff to and from work ... in that instance I reckon it's acceptable;)
Me & another bloke pushed a corsa out of the gutter this morning chav was revving fook out of it, clutch was smoking. Had to tell him 3 times to put it in 2nd and take his foot off the go pedal. got him going and he promptly shot off down the hill started to slide and stomped on the brake. Bloke looked at me and said WTF we should have left him why did we bother..
sick pay at work then?

So when they burn their clutches or wrap their cars round a tree. Do ya reckon their bosses are gonna say "Aww poor thing heres the money to repair ya car" :confused:

More likely the insurance company will refuse to pay out because they ignored warnings not to drive.. :rolleyes:
So when they burn their clutches or wrap their cars round a tree. Do ya reckon their bosses are gonna say "Aww poor thing heres the money to repair ya car" :confused:

More likely the insurance company will refuse to pay out because they ignored warnings not to drive.. :rolleyes:

let them burn out cluches more bussiness for us :D do like plenty of cluch jobs...
Wasnt a save exactly, but attempted to help a BMW X5 that went over a bit of a verge but his towing eye wouldnt fit, so after half an hour of bouncing on the sides to try and get him out, he called the RAC. And for my troubles for trying to help him for an hour he has invited me to his resturant to have an ale and a big steak cooked on the house :) not a bad day!!

you sure it wernt counter clockwise thread on the eye?
One of my friends saw a cop giving somebody a telling off yesterday apparently for his "careless driving" the cop then got back in his car, drove off, hit the brakes and went into the back of some poor micra! haha

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