Spent ages yesterday pm hauling idiots out of danger on Minchinhampton common (Redhand knows it). Over 2 feet of drifts in places and Beemers stuck everywhere. Even helped the actor Keith Allen (Sheriff of Nottingham) pulling someone out. I towed a stunning new Focus RS a few miles as he was totally stuck and got a nice single malt out of it so can't be all bad!

Should've given us a shout ya muppet :p

I'm sure you can see the difference between rescueing folk on the common and helping people get to the common to get more seriously stuck though ;)

The number of idiots slipping and sliding around on the 46 in town made it unsafe to do anything at all.

Soon as the ploughs came through everything was fine :) Sometimes sitting tight is the best thing to do
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Yeah was good fun actually and a goodf set of lads. I am led to believe the groups has sort of imploded on itself and they've all chucked their toys outta pram. :D

Yep when I actually get time off from posting thousands of pointless posts.. :eek: :rolleyes: :D :D

Great idea Response groups however theyre never going to work. Its been going in for years rover rescue and others but making it official response as you have to now days because of the lawsuite world we now live in means that it will always implode and self destruct I believe.
Great idea Response groups however theyre never going to work. Its been going in for years rover rescue and others but making it official response as you have to now days because of the lawsuite world we now live in means that it will always implode and self destruct I believe.

There is a West Yorkshire group still going, their post keep popping up on Facebook. It was them I mentioned who are advertising for people to rescue :D
Should've given us a shout ya muppet :p

I'm sure you can see the difference between rescueing folk on the common and helping people get to the common to get more seriously stuck though ;)

The number of idiots slipping and sliding around on the 46 in town made it unsafe to do anything at all.

Soon as the ploughs came through everything was fine :) Sometimes sitting tight is the best thing to do

Lol yeh, didn't have ya contact details! Was good fun, especially watching the 80 grand Rangey plough through the cotswold stone wall at the bottom of the W!
I used to love my old 2lt s capri in the snow , 2 bags of sand in the back, giving it large lock to lock up the street

the good old days when ya young dumb and full of cum
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It's all well and good saying people are idiots for going out in the snow when the govoment is saying stay at home unless you need to travel
But like most people I work for a living and if I don't turn up I don't get paid
So I class that as Important and a need to travel
And my job is a hgv driver delivering food to shops so again if I don't go out on the roads people can't eat and Its not as if i can fit winter tyres to my lorry
so I can only do what I can do and if someone is driving about in there land rover wanting to help people out maybe me if my lorry gets stuck then good on them
I do beleave that if someone is going out to the shops in there car and the shop is within walking distance then they should be walking that makes sense
The biggest problem is 80% of drivers that do go out are not prepared for the conditions now that could be that they don't have the mind set or forward planning for the ice and snow or it could be that they have not got the right equipment of the job ie winter tyres shovel etc etc and getting back to the govoment recommendations if the listen to there advice to drive in the snow all you need is a flask of hot soup a blanket and make sure your phone is charged up
So keep up the good work to all the landy owners who are helping out stranded motorist it mite even change what some driver think of us because in the eyes of some we are just a bunch of ****ers who ruin the green lanes and kill the ozone layer
good piont, pionts
Yup money or collecting money to join equals power to those more senior and power for people that are attracted to such organisations such flourecent jacketed, flashing beacon type people are in my experience all about getting power which they may lack in other areas of their life.

Not all you'll understand but many...

We had one in a local offroad club and we fecked him off when somone hits a tree and bends a bumper you do not need flashing beacons (on an offroad site full of experienced people of many years) flourecent jackets, even the ordasity to tell everyone to stand back which everyone was all laughing at this pleb, then proceed to winch the bumper straight. Normally a little tug with a rope or 2 and it would be fine but this guy was all about having power. he did not trial, he did not have aLR in a LR club he did manage to get power in the club by being available. once we sussed out his ways he was on a one way outter there!!
Lol yeh, didn't have ya contact details! Was good fun, especially watching the 80 grand Rangey plough through the cotswold stone wall at the bottom of the W!

Really?? Fook thats really sad :(

I really like them walls :D
Not stuck but out laning.


Great pic, is that a UFO :D
Hahaha you don't know ****e ya fookwit. Before I moved darn sarf to live among yu fooking inbred retards. I was a very active member of HumberYorks4x4Response. & spent several long cold nights dragging lines of cars driven by fookwits, up frozen hills.

Me & Robint Jan 2010. rescuing a stuck lorry.

SO can we a great big FOOK YOO dog****..:rolleyes:.[/

4x4 response team ! What a loser !
Why don't you FOOK back up North where you came from
Hahaha you don't know ****e ya fookwit. Before I moved darn sarf to live among yu fooking inbred retards. I was a very active member of HumberYorks4x4Response. & spent several long cold nights dragging lines of cars driven by fookwits, up frozen hills.

Me & Robint Jan 2010. rescuing a stuck lorry.

SO can we a great big FOOK YOO dog****..:rolleyes:.[/

4x4 response team ! What a loser !
Why don't you FOOK back up North where you came from

You learn to post properly Pencildick & I might think about it??? :rolleyes:
Aye tell me about it. Talking of fools ... took a walk to our local shop earlier with the Mrs, came across someone driving who had simply cleared directly in front of the steering wheel with all other windows covered in snow .... whilst talking on their mobile phone (car's were spinning out constantly). Much to my amusement the Mrs promptly marched up to them and ripped them a new orifice on their wrongdoing :eek: Bought her a bottle of Vod as a thank you:D

Nicw work Dewin, i very well deserved voddy i say. and atleast vodka won't freeze in all the snow. bloody townie numpties with severe cases of arse elbow syndrome when it comes to adverse weather.

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