was a good rescue done tonight, deasy truck worked wonders, but he was well and truly stuck and wasnt wanting to come out without a fight, but all home safe, was a eventful night i have to admit,

1st LRIR done for me wooo
Well done chaps, hope hes learnt his lesson, maybe he will become a LZIR member himself to help others out.
well done lads(and lasses) good to know your out there.
very sound advice about not going out to help on your own, never realised it could be so risky.
well done lads(and lasses) good to know your out there.
very sound advice about not going out to help on your own, never realised it could be so risky.

Well Risky Ron it sure is. Never underestimate a pikey. :D
never have f k. got a few round here and if it aint nailed down very well locked up some thieving bastard will have it, just a great shame that if one gives em a good stiff talking to:fighting::fighting::fighting::fighting: the bloody police tend to take a rather dim view, also of course it would probably infringe their human rights.personaly i say flatten the thieving bastards,:D:D:D just very glad that the rescue went safe and well.

never have f k. got a few round here and if it aint nailed down very well locked up some thieving bastard will have it, just a great shame that if one gives em a good stiff talking to:fighting::fighting::fighting::fighting: the bloody police tend to take a rather dim view, also of course it would probably infringe their human rights.personaly i say flatten the thieving bastards,:D:D:D just very glad that the rescue went safe and well.


Couldn't agree more mister Risky. :D
feckin hell... :eek: excitin.... :eek: Im hopin one day someone gets stuck near me and pikey then I can go on me first ever LZIR :eek:

Awe give me ur address and I will endeavour to get my freelander stuck some were embarrasing and close so u can come and laugh hysterically at me
Awe give me ur address and I will endeavour to get my freelander stuck some were embarrasing and close so u can come and laugh hysterically at me

I shouldn't bother as its due to rain this week and we all know what happens to the gaylanders and water.

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