
New Member
Arse! Thought I had a flat battery yesterday as injun only seemed to be turning over slowly. Charged battery (which appeared fine, but thought I better had).

Re-fitted - Injun sounds like it's turning very slowly still, but there's a kind of graunchy grinding sound. Starter motor teeth? Mashed ring gear? Not engaging fully? Any ideas guys?
Ah, mebbe. Just hope whatever's happened int teken me ring gear out. Cun't get the fecker off 'till the weekend & Kent's not looking hopeful! ARSE!
S'bluddy good of yer Sirus. Wunt worry tho' chap. Be a ****er if you took yours off & I found that weren't the problem! I wunt get a chance even to have a look at mine 'till Saturday.
am seeing it but its just not clear yet , but it will be...


nope still can't get it.. don't worry i figure it out later
I got one here, but its orf a 2.25 - so i reckon its no good.

worth asking Jabba?

come round here and we can get it sorted.:D
don't suppose its just come slack and bouncing around a bit

Hmm, s'a point. I'll have a shufty tomoz eve'.

Sirus, V. good of you chap. I'll let you know as soon as I can have a look at the fecker. Maybe git a chance tomoz night, but I'm working about an hour & a half away from home at the mo'.

Daft, dunt 'spect it'll be the same as a 2.25. Cheers tho' chap, I'll give you a shout if I need help.
Bluddy hell, you dunt realise how much an ageing starter motor is struggling 'till you put a newun on. Just fitted me shiny, much smaller new 'un & reckon I could drive me motor around on it. Think I've jist built meself an hybrid!

Half the bluddy size of the old Lucas one too so getting the top bolt in was a piece o' peess!
Bluddy hell, you dunt realise how much an ageing starter motor is struggling 'till you put a newun on. Just fitted me shiny, much smaller new 'un & reckon I could drive me motor around on it. Think I've jist built meself an hybrid!

Half the bluddy size of the old Lucas one too so getting the top bolt in was a piece o' peess!

Some of the newer ones have an epileptic reduction gear in them and that let's the armature whirl round about half the speed of light and the epileptic gearing turns the speed down but turns the torque way up high, and off she jolly goes! It would be like a gas turbine engine at 30,000 revs connected to a Disco in Low range first .....
Land Rover did 'speriment wiv one post war as it goes. At the risk of sounding nerdy meself', wuz reading abart it in a mag t'other day. :D

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