2 garages 7 months and then given to us...Number 1 fuse blows every time ignition\battary on..bcm\binnicle sent to Rick nothing wrong asked on here Marty said connect DMM this way and check everything did that and as we did Barry lent on central console and meter went crazy...turns out wire from window switch pack was trapped round stud and owner had lent on it all dash electrics\locking\windows failed as he shorted them out and blew the fuse and every other fuse replaced until we released and repaired chaffed wire...
2 garages 7 months and then given to us...Number 1 fuse blows every time ignition\battary on..bcm\binnicle sent to Rick nothing wrong asked on here Marty said connect DMM this way and check everything did that and as we did Barry lent on central console and meter went crazy...turns out wire from window switch pack was trapped round stud and owner had lent on it all dash electrics\locking\windows failed as he shorted them out and blew the fuse and every other fuse replaced until we released and repaired chaffed wire...
Just LOVE stories like this!!:):):)
Just LOVE stories like this!!:):):)

You wont believe what we have to sort down here..the S2 I'm restoring all split pins were nails bent over okay if they were just the right size but no they hammered a bigger size in till the head was flat to the nut and then hammered the end round...and the steering drop arm was on the top of the swivel instead of underneath!..
You wont believe what we have to sort down here..the S2 I'm restoring all split pins were nails bent over okay if they were just the right size but no they hammered a bigger size in till the head was flat to the nut and then hammered the end round...and the steering drop arm was on the top of the swivel instead of underneath!..
Mad, like the sort of thing you used to find on cars back almost to the 50s. Sawdust in gearboxes etc etc.
First car I ever bought, well I didn't buy it, I just paid for it cos I was working evenings and couldn't get out to look at cars.
so I let my mother buy it.
It was a Mini De Luxe. It came with a new MOT. And my ma had spent the money i had set aside for insurance.:rolleyes::mad:
Give it its due, for an 850 Mini it went like the clappers. BUT it had a rust hole near the bottom of the B pillar on the inside vertical panel the size of a fist. She just didn't see it.
So the MOT was obvs bent. Bought a cleaner one when the MOT ran out and stripped bits off it to improve the second one.
Have almost always had more than one car and/or projects ever since. Steep learning curve to begin with but few of my cars have ever been to a garage, only when I absolutely couldn't do the job, like the recent removal and replacement of the auto box on my D2 to sort out the ATF leak, as I physically couldn't do it where I live.
Wonder how many of us have started working on cars cos they couldn't afford them any other way!:rolleyes:
yep......... no joy im afraid. it has to be something electrical or the BCM. carpet on drivers side was wet today when i called over.
Seriously, you must get the water out and track the leak path in, because if you don’t you’ll be spending hundreds on someone else doing it. All the comments on damp electrical connections and green corroded terminals are based on real life Range Rover ownership not stab in the dark ideas. I have three dehumidifier pillows in my car that get microwaved every two to three weeks just to remove everyday moisture and condensation in winter months. If you have wet carpets you will never be able to confidently drive the car because the next electrical fault will be waiting to bite you in the wallet:eek:. Good luck.
Tricky :)
he just said the fault codes arent linked to it not starting. im really really worried at this stage. maybe i sould get it transported to a main dealer.
Regarding fault codes, can you tell us what they are or were? Also if cleared then cranked are you getting the same codes repeatedly or new ones each time. On the L322 I wouldn’t be so bold as to state that any fault code was not related to the main issue of not firing. My car was in a garage for weeks before they got it started and when I got it back it wouldn’t lock remotely or various warnings flashed up every time I started it until after driving it around for about three weeks everything went back to normal. Personally I think they’re all possessed :eek::mad:o_O.
Tricky :)
I will burn it before I go to the lengths you two did. From what I’ve read lately I should be okay. only need to keep it going until 2030 then it’s banned here :(

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