My take on this, having read the thread ..

I have pics of my Disco all over this forum and others and I have no problem whatsoever with 'mates' who I've gone laning with putting pics or videos up of me and my Disco and it's number plate when we're away laning or off-roading.

I DONOT want any Tom Dick Harry or A N Other person just taking random pics when I'm driving along or parked in my driveway and then asking whose vehicle it is!

No matter what you say scrotes _do_ use forums and other places, like Autotrader, not just to clone vehicles but to get more specific info about them, which isn't easy to get when just picking a similar colour vehicle on a road somewhere. Some locations for driveways, like mine, are absolutely recognisable from a picture taken from the roadway and could definitely and relatively easily pinpoint me, my vehicle and my family if a pic is taken of the Disco in the driveway.

Not a lot I can legally do to stop you, especially if I'm just driving along, but if you post a picture of my Disco on my driveway, I will hunt you down, I will find you and I will punch your ****ing lights out.

I like the cut of your jib fella. Imcan't really see where this thread is going.
Stop erecting straw men, wtf has what you're doing got to do with LRO or estate agents? They aren't posting pics of my driveway and Landy, and aren't asking whose it is ..

Probably way shorter at 5'4" tall, but that never stopped me.

PS, if you could write something like plain English and make a cohesive, structured argument I might bother debating the issue, or at least listening reasonably to your side of it. As it is you appear to be somewhat of an oaf with little wit or intellect so I fear I'd be fighting an unarmed opponent, which doesn't seem fair.

I'll say no more.

I'm an estate agent, have been for 24 years or so and very proud of the fact. If an agent can't be arsed to ask clients to back the car out before they photo the house then they aren't worth the fee. Have some pride in the job. We're selling the house not the bl@@dy car!
Here is an idea to keep everyone happy - anyone who posts a picture should take 20 seconds to open it up in Photoshop / Microsoft Paint and delete the numberplate from the picture.
There - problem solved :D
I too woul have a problem with a pic taken of my landy on my drive or when im at work. For reasons i dont I wish to discuss i do not want some members on this forum to know where i live and taking a photo narrows it down considerably if you know my town .

On the road is a different matter that info is available to anyone with a pair of eyes, but not where someone can find you. :(

If that is the case why do describe your car and that you will stand waving at people from your office does not take a brain surgeon to work it out. People like you seem to forget the things you post !
Simple answer to this..
To "Defender300TD1"
I do not give you permission to take, publish or otherwise distribute photgraphic images of any of my vehicles without my express permission in writing.
Good factory,Not

I thought you said no indication of where it was taken?

That's the M25 ;)
The point of this thread was for ex owners to maybe spot an old car they pr owned to see if it was still going what changes ect ect I can except maybe i should not take pic out side peoples home and will refrain from doing so . As for cloning if your gullible to buy a car from any Tom dick or Harry with no history then it's people like you that help criminals to get away with it.
If that is the case why do describe your car and that you will stand waving at people from your office does not take a brain surgeon to work it out. People like you seem to forget the things you post !

The person who i said id wave to is funnkykipper who i have been laning with, like and trust other than the fact i can see a train pass from my office it hardly narrows my location to a specific area unlike your photo would.

I have no issues describing my drive....the clue is kind of in the name anyway and ive been laning enough that there are multiple pics out there.

Again my specific objection is you taking photos that could pinpoint my location. None of the photos out there do that , including my own.

Is it that hard to respect other peoples wishes and abide by them or are you deliberately being antagonistic ?
Simple answer to this..
To "Defender300TD1"
I do not give you permission to take, publish or otherwise distribute photgraphic images of any of my vehicles without my express permission in writing.

Ditto .. ;)
I would say about jct 10 Woking area :D
Don't know many people that live on the motorway do you . Gosh don't ever take your car to a Landrover show someone might just clone you . The old bless em don't buy anything on the Internet your have all your money taken . Get real
I might of let it slip,that i actuly know the chap with the photo on his drive we have had many a conversation lasting hours from his total rebuild to having owned it through more than one generation .but you all jumped down my throat with your hard felt expressions.To think im insenitive as to people privacy shame on you.
A little harder to spot seeing as it has a vanity plate
im afraid it actually is. Exactly the same as being in a car when drunk. you could be in the back seat and the car off, but if you have the keys you can still technically be charged.

Using a phone in a car

  • Don't use a mobile phone held in the hand while driving or while stopped with the engine switched on – it is illegal
  • If you have a hands-free phone, stop to make or take a call, or leave it to voicemail. Resist the temptation to talk. If you really must talk keep conversations short and simple. Better still say you will find a safe and legal place to stop and phone back
  • Employers should issue specific company advice on mobile phone use as part of their work related road safety policy PLEASE NOTE WITH ENGINE SWITCHED ON!!!!
Using a phone in a car

  • Don't use a mobile phone held in the hand while driving or while stopped with the engine switched on – it is illegal
  • If you have a hands-free phone, stop to make or take a call, or leave it to voicemail. Resist the temptation to talk. If you really must talk keep conversations short and simple. Better still say you will find a safe and legal place to stop and phone back
  • Employers should issue specific company advice on mobile phone use as part of their work related road safety policy PLEASE NOTE WITH ENGINE SWITCHED ON!!!!

Of all the pictures you have posted, there is only maybe 1 or 2 that appear that you could be in traffic. The fact that you claim " the engine was switched off" does not make it legal by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, looking more closely id like to know which picture you are claiming was taken in traffic with your engine off?
Using a phone in a car

  • Don't use a mobile phone held in the hand while driving or while stopped with the engine switched on – it is illegal
  • If you have a hands-free phone, stop to make or take a call, or leave it to voicemail. Resist the temptation to talk. If you really must talk keep conversations short and simple. Better still say you will find a safe and legal place to stop and phone back
  • Employers should issue specific company advice on mobile phone use as part of their work related road safety policy PLEASE NOTE WITH ENGINE SWITCHED ON!!!!

The term "driving" has a very wide definition in motoring law matters. You can generally still be considered to be driving, even if you are stationary, sitting in your vehicle off the road, but with your engine running. Turning off your engine may be enough to prevent a successful prosecution.
If you are stuck in a traffic jam, then again you are still driving your car as far the police are concerned and you open up yourself to prosecution if you use your mobile phone other than through a hands-free kit. Every case is different and it is very difficult to lay down hard and fast guidelines.

Just highlighted some points there for you. Unless you were sitting on the fence whilst on the m25 or perhaps own the stretch you were on, you broke the law. Point proven. Its people like you who cause accidents on the road because you were too busy taking pictures on your phone.
If the traffic hasn't moved for ten minutes or so it's hardly going to caus an accident.I have full no claim all my driving years, the first I was parked by a kerb not on yellows pulled up behind the over finch that was already parked. The second was in a jam as you can see there is gaps not all drivers pull up bumper to bumper its the **** that opens their doors to have a look that caus the accidents not looking or thinking of motorcyclists.
Don't know many people that live on the motorway do you . Gosh don't ever take your car to a Landrover show someone might just clone you . The old bless em don't buy anything on the Internet your have all your money taken . Get real

Thanks for the info,i'll sleep better now :rolleyes:

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