If all cars are locked then how would that prevent someone set on earning a quick buck to stop it doesn't just means someone going to get a smashed window can't you see my point
The whole point is that not all cars are locked, as proved by yourself. Why would the theif bother carrying tools to enable him to break into a vehicle, and risk alerting someone, when there are people like you providing much easier pickings.
While im all for postin pics of landies lanin, pay and play sites etc, i do believe some peeps blank out their reg plates if they want to... you aint blankin their reg plates so you aint given em a choice of wantin the pic to show reg plates or not. Peeps see landies all the time and on occasions peeps have posted and asked if seen landy that was on the M5 today at 1pm, is anyones from off here. So my opinion is.. i cant see the point in this thread. :(
minty i saw two blue defenders on the motorway to day wihout the reg how would you know the chances are so slim that is the point and if you were an ex owner of said car you would be mind reader
Recognise this baby

Oh by the way I got the owners permission for you grumps
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Cool thread, really useful.
I found a Landy earlier, wasn't locked so I took it.
Spent the rest of the day driving about looking for a similar Landy to clone it to.
Trouble is i's a bit lazy, so hoping to find one on this thread keep posting them photos.
Thanks in advance

BTW I'm joking, two rusty landys are enough for the time being!
I am randomly taking photos of landrovers if you spot yours or a pre owned one then click the qoute button and own up if you wish too.You can also join in too.

PLEASE note these are taken in public places that is within the law.

Anyone tresspassing to take photos will be breaking the law.


My take on this, having read the thread ..

I have pics of my Disco all over this forum and others and I have no problem whatsoever with 'mates' who I've gone laning with putting pics or videos up of me and my Disco and it's number plate when we're away laning or off-roading.

I DONOT want any Tom Dick Harry or A N Other person just taking random pics when I'm driving along or parked in my driveway and then asking whose vehicle it is!

No matter what you say scrotes _do_ use forums and other places, like Autotrader, not just to clone vehicles but to get more specific info about them, which isn't easy to get when just picking a similar colour vehicle on a road somewhere. Some locations for driveways, like mine, are absolutely recognisable from a picture taken from the roadway and could definitely and relatively easily pinpoint me, my vehicle and my family if a pic is taken of the Disco in the driveway.

Not a lot I can legally do to stop you, especially if I'm just driving along, but if you post a picture of my Disco on my driveway, I will hunt you down, I will find you and I will punch your ****ing lights out.
Whatever , best close the photo gallery on this site then and tell lro to stop and estate agents it the law to display your plate and for me to take it ps hope your bigger and fitter than me then
Not a lot I can legally do to stop you, especially if I'm just driving along, but if you post a picture of my Disco on my driveway, I will hunt you down, I will find you and I will punch your ****ing lights out.

as above

anything that makes it easier to clone is wrong
Whatever , best close the photo gallery on this site then and tell lro to stop and estate agents it the law to display your plate and for me to take it ps hope your bigger and fitter than me then

Stop erecting straw men, wtf has what you're doing got to do with LRO or estate agents? They aren't posting pics of my driveway and Landy, and aren't asking whose it is ..

Probably way shorter at 5'4" tall, but that never stopped me.

PS, if you could write something like plain English and make a cohesive, structured argument I might bother debating the issue, or at least listening reasonably to your side of it. As it is you appear to be somewhat of an oaf with little wit or intellect so I fear I'd be fighting an unarmed opponent, which doesn't seem fair.

I'll say no more.
Just a quick note, you are trying to use the law to back up the legalities of what you are doing, however, you are so blatantly flouting the law by using your mobile or camera behind the wheel of a vehicle. Well done, have yourself a pat on the back
Stop erecting straw men, wtf has what you're doing got to do with LRO or estate agents? They aren't posting pics of my driveway and Landy, and aren't asking whose it is ..

Probably way shorter at 5'4" tall, but that never stopped me.

PS, if you could write something like plain English and make a cohesive, structured argument I might bother debating the issue, or at least listening reasonably to your side of it. As it is you appear to be somewhat of an oaf with little wit or intellect so I fear I'd be fighting an unarmed opponent, which doesn't seem fair.

I'll say no more.
So if I were to post pictures of my cars that I have is that wrong too as they can be cloned as you say,or is the fact that I'm am not asking permission for something that has been made for public display . If some one were after you family it would be someone you have upset not me so what you say has no meaning of my actions, like you say you and your mates take put photos on so what would stop someone taking note and getting the info they need it's a bit two way really I'm giving other examples this in not the only place in the world to find a colour and plate is it I think it is you think it is morally wrong I think different that life I'm affaid I don't like the cost of fuel but all I can do is moan like you if you feel so strong stand up for it google drove around filming every street it will and can go on and unless all rather than one do something about it.
Just a quick note, you are trying to use the law to back up the legalities of what you are doing, however, you are so blatantly flouting the law by using your mobile or camera behind the wheel of a vehicle. Well done, have yourself a pat on the back

I don't call sitting in a jam for 15 mins with the engine switched off flouting the law
So if I were to post pictures of my cars that I have is that wrong too as they can be cloned as you say,or is the fact that I'm am not asking permission for something that has been made for public display . If some one were after you family it would be someone you have upset not me so what you say has no meaning of my actions, like you say you and your mates take put photos on so what would stop someone taking note and getting the info they need it's a bit two way really I'm giving other examples this in not the only place in the world to find a colour and plate is it I think it is you think it is morally wrong I think different that life I'm affaid I don't like the cost of fuel but all I can do is moan like you if you feel so strong stand up for it google drove around filming every street it will and can go on and unless all rather than one do something about it.

? Coherent answers and questions will stop you looking ****witted.

But anyway .. post what you want of your own ****, just not mine, OK?

I didn't say what you're doing is legally wrong or not, technically I don't know, all I'm saying is that if you post pics of my Landrover on my drive I'll hit you. Simple.

"Not a lot I can legally do to stop you, especially if I'm just driving along, but if you post a picture of my Disco on my driveway, I will hunt you down, I will find you and I will punch your ****ing lights out."
I too woul have a problem with a pic taken of my landy on my drive or when im at work. For reasons i dont I wish to discuss i do not want some members on this forum to know where i live and taking a photo narrows it down considerably if you know my town .

On the road is a different matter that info is available to anyone with a pair of eyes, but not where someone can find you. :(
So if I were to post pictures of my cars that I have is that wrong too as they can be cloned as you say,or is the fact that I'm am not asking permission for something that has been made for public display . If some one were after you family it would be someone you have upset not me so what you say has no meaning of my actions, like you say you and your mates take put photos on so what would stop someone taking note and getting the info they need it's a bit two way really I'm giving other examples this in not the only place in the world to find a colour and plate is it I think it is you think it is morally wrong I think different that life I'm affaid I don't like the cost of fuel but all I can do is moan like you if you feel so strong stand up for it google drove around filming every street it will and can go on and unless all rather than one do something about it.

Would you please take these and use them "., ...,,,,,, " it would make understanding you so much easier.

for what it's worth I feel that this thread is a tad useless and somewhat inflammatory, if you wish to continue then why not blank out half the plate, an old owner would recognise his old landy from that alone i think.

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