
Range Rover Classic 1990 VM diesel (2.5L) borgwarner transfer box
with viscous coupling
A whirring noise that has a variable pitch, it started in 5th gear and
gradually has worked its way down through to first I have exchanged the
transfer box to no avail if anything the problems appears worse. the
revs are constant as is the speed, it sounds as though something starts
to happen ( this sound) then falls off .. HELP

On 23 Aug 2006 03:52:49 -0700, preceptltd@gmail.com wrote:

>Range Rover Classic 1990 VM diesel (2.5L) borgwarner transfer box
>with viscous coupling
>A whirring noise that has a variable pitch, it started in 5th gear and
>gradually has worked its way down through to first I have exchanged the
>transfer box to no avail if anything the problems appears worse. the
>revs are constant as is the speed, it sounds as though something starts
>to happen ( this sound) then falls off .. HELP

Is it RPM related?

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