I read more than a few of the posts on this thread,and early on it became clear that this guy Angus is far too intelligent to take advice from anyone on this forum.

I could be wrong,I have been wrong before,but I think this kunt should just **** off and fix his motor.He is the only one on the forum who has even seen the thing.

Advice and pointers are always welcome, the K has a bad rap, made worse by half crack repalcement parts and doing half a job. In therory at least the upgrades should help reduce the issues but as mentioned only time will tell.

If the weather holds out it might be up and running again by late evening!?

Hopefully the photo's will show me in a good light!!
The way i see it, with advice it goes something like this - just my view:

You go somewhere with a question, looking for advice.

Many will give you their opinions and comments, which will usually vary due to different experiences, knowledge, interpretations or opinions.

It's up to you if you take that advice and act on it, or disagree with it and go another way. You make the call, based on what you know, what you've learned, what else you have been told.

Regardless, say thanks for any advice given, even if you dont agree with it - since the intention was to help you.

What you don't do, is try to persuade the people giving the advice that they are wrong and you are right. They gave their input and helped you. If you choose to do it your own way and it works - cool, inform that there is another method, if not, ah well, maybe their view was right.... :)

something like that
The problem we have, Angus, is that we have heard it all before....

"HGF only happens because of poor maintenance"
"Mine had HGF, but its all sorted now"
"If you fit the best parts, it fixes the problem"
"The new MLS gasket means HGF wont happen again"
With respect guys some of you are twisting my words.

HGF will happen at some point, but you can help reduce them by taking...........

I'm not right and then again I'm not wrong, it's the way I see it,and what I think is the best direction, thats the land of the forum.

All the comments on this thread I've looked at and they've all been welcome. I've investigated them all and taken up some advice, others I've looked elsewhere for a better answer thats what everyone should do, look for the best answers in a hope for the best results.

At the end of the day people like me who actually own a K-series and have actually worked on one should be the best people to comment on future sucesses or failings not someone who just reads the odd forum "sorry if that upsets some of you guys" but I wouldn't dream of telling a farmer how to plough his field.

I would only share my comment's on something if it's by first hand experience and thats the way forums should be.
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At the end of the day people like me who actually own a K-series and have actually worked on one should be the best people to comment on future sucesses or failings not someone who just reads the odd forum "sorry if that upsets some of you guys but I wouldn't dream of telling a TD4 owner how to go on cos I know F all about them.

Ok, there is SOME truth in that, BUT....the point is not only WHAT engine you own, but what education / training / experience you have that relates to the subject.

If someone here has never owned a K-series, but has 30 years engine design and engineering under his belt, then that is an INCREDIBLY experienced person over-all, who really does know more about thermodynamics, materials, mechanics and all the details than someone who has worked a bit on a k-series a few times.

If someone like that tells me "yeah, there is a flaw there that can not be simply rectified, the coefficient of thermal expansion blah blah blah" then i am inclined to believe that rather than someone telling me "ive had a one or two and its like this..."

I don't know about the k-series and wouldn't dream of talking about it, but if i was an engineer who could bore the crap out of you with every single smegging detail of the engine, then i would ;-)

:) just my view.

-- EDIT: disclaimer: i enjoy the odd philosophical discussion now and then, i'm certainly not commenting on the k-series since i know bugger all about it.
If someone here has never owned a K-series, but has 30 years engine design and engineering under his belt, then that is an INCREDIBLY experienced person over-all

Sorry but I can't agree with this one 30 years service doesn't make a dot if you've never looked into the tech about the after market upgrades. You can walk into any garage up and down the country and ask them about the MLS gasket "should it only be used if the head has been skimmed and the Oil ladder replaced? The only ones who will know are the garages who have looked into it. Everyone else will do what they know, half the job.
In my profession you have to keep moving, things change at an alarming rate "whats hot today is yesterdays news tomorrow, the same can be said about engineering etc. What was right 30 years ago get's replaced by a new design tomorrow or upgraded parts today......... It happens all the time and it might happen again with the K, until it does the work I've done is recommended as the best for now!
True, 30 years in a garage maybe not, but 30 years Engineering and Design skills yes - how many garages do you go to where the technicians are qualified engine designers? mechanical engineers? electrical engineers? the type of chaps that study the thermal envelope of specifica alloys with reference to engine use? - they dont have to be.

- ie. the same chaps that are right now somewhere coming up with new and improved ways of doing things.

I'm talking about properly qualified individuals

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True, 30 years in a garage maybe not, but 30 years Engineering and Design skills yes - how many garages do you go to where the technicians are qualified engine designers? mechanical engineers? electrical engineers? the type of chaps that study the thermal envelope of specifica alloys with reference to engine use?

- ie. the same chaps that are right now somewhere coming up with new and improved ways of doing things.

I'm talking about properly qualified individuals

How many garage technicians/mechanics need to be?? thats not there job. I work for a very large motor manufacturer at there technical centre where chaps that are right now somewhere coming up with new and improved ways of doing things and i can tell you most of them don't know there arse from there elbow.
How many garage technicians/mechanics need to be?? thats not there job. I work for a very large motor manufacturer at there technical centre where chaps that are right now somewhere coming up with new and improved ways of doing things and i can tell you most of them don't know there arse from there elbow.

Of course they don't need to be :) and other point taken ;-) :-D
How many garage technicians/mechanics need to be?? thats not there job. I work for a very large motor manufacturer at there technical centre where chaps that are right now somewhere coming up with new and improved ways of doing things and i can tell you most of them don't know there arse from there elbow.
Hahaha I like it, in that case we're all fooked hahaha
Sorry but I can't agree with this one 30 years service doesn't make a dot if you've never looked into the tech about the after market upgrades. You can walk into any garage up and down the country and ask them about the MLS gasket "should it only be used if the head has been skimmed and the Oil ladder replaced? The only ones who will know are the garages who have looked into it. Everyone else will do what they know, half the job.

In my profession you have to keep moving, things change at an alarming rate "whats hot today is yesterdays news tomorrow, the same can be said about engineering etc. What was right 30 years ago get's replaced by a new design tomorrow or upgraded parts today......... It happens all the time and it might happen again with the K, until it does the work I've done is recommended as the best for now!


Thanks for all your interest, welcome back anytime! Tell me your not the plonker who got stuck in the snow and blew his A4 to bits trying to get it out?

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