110 man

I had my 110 parked on the street and this man told me my landy made the street look scruffy and the colour of his pant work on his house is pink.
I had my 110 parked on the street and this man told me my landy made the street look scruffy and the colour of his pant work on his house is pink.

Tell them you think they need to keep opinions to themselves unless they want to buy you a new one.
thank them - then remind them that you shall not be towing them out this winter ...... my neighbour (note the non plural) was extatic when i came home with a landrover - first task - tow them out the drive - i have a 2 mile long half uphill drive way with a sharp corner in it .....

im sure they dont think it makes us look scruffy

- my other cars a van .... should see how that goes down most residential streets ...
You should go and get your 110 covered in as much mud as possible and then leave outside the ****wits house

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