When I had my 110 one of the neighbours used to moan to other people about it but never to me. I just ignored it.

Mind you I can see what they were saying actually, it wasn't the tidiest of cars on the street :)
Turn the fueling up so that is smoking its arse off... Then park outside his house and paint it black... ****ing pink indeed! :eek:
Cheeky ****er! Everyone has a right to choose what car they own, what the **** has it to with him!

Just a though, aren't landies supposed to look like ****? Most of ours do at work, it gives them character!
Just wholeheartedly agree with him and ask him if he knows the wheats puts of the original designer do you can contact him and rewrite the course of Landrover history by going back in time and getting a pink one as a factory default colour.
Serious thought - ask him if he has had planning permission to paint his house like a pig (pink) you may find there are some rules on blending to local colour etc - how cool would it be if that colour was Landrover Green!
tell him it dont look nearly as scruffy as that burned out house.When he sez which one say yours if yer dont **** off.
Ask him whether he has any idea how untidy HE is going to look with your jack handle hanging out of his arse!

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