Before :D







Very nice disco, one question, why did you not do something with your exhaust after you damaged your wing with it? like a side exit?
Cracking pictures mate, think I'm gonna have to visit Cheshire sometime. Those lanes look really good fun.
Still can't decide if I wanna paint mine green or black.
yo mark

tbh mate i was so ****ing busy sorting out what needed doing i didnt have space in my head to think about the exhaust! perhaps a job for the future! :D

and those lanes were in the lakes actually dude, but yeah it was an awesome weekend.

i vote green, but i am biased! :D
very nice disco

Co-Pang-Yang, as Mr Voisy said I'd go with green aswell, but i'm also biased

This is still work in progress but here's mine currently

nice paint job Noisy. Did you roller or spray it?

Just wondering as I was going to matt black the 110 with it being the easiest to get a decent spray finish.
Looking good Jason!! I have decided that discos look too cool in army green! :D

Bobbler, it's actually all brushwork mate!! We started to roller the roof but just ended up with loads of tiny bubbles, so 3 of us hit the whole car with brushes. Including removing arches, light bar, quick rub down etc took about 4 hours.

You can see plenty of brushwork in the paint close up, but tbh it really doesn't matter! Gives lots of character! :D

I ordered 5ltr of olive drab from the guy who sells the marathon coatings paint on eBay. Arrived ultra quick and cost about 45 quid iirc.

I thinned it 5% with cellulose as instructed, and used about one litre!!! So I have loads left over, doh! :D

Cheers anyway :)
it did pass, no advisories!

your right though mate, i noticed my first rust stained dribble down the fresh underseal the inside of the rear wheel arch the other day. obviously managed to find a little hole or gap in a seam ive welded.

you just cant stop the ****er rusting!!!! :(
Bloody things are a pain in the arse!
Mines gonna need waxoilling over the summer no question. Won't be anything left next year if I don't!
Just fitted a new tailgate lock spring this afternoon.

4 years and thousands spent on mods, and I never got round to spending 5 quid on a new lock spring! Should have been the very first job I ever did. Putting the key in the lock every time you want to open the door is SO overrated!! And 4 years I put up with it!

Anyway, on that subject. This week I started thinking about the few outstanding things on the car that do not work properly, namely that lock spring and the central locking system.

Lock spring now sorted, and the other day I stripped all the door cards to see what was what. A bit of rearrangement was required to remove the remnants of an alarm system that used to control the locking itself.

I have now ordered 4 new high torque central locking motors (standard torque is not enough for the stiff locks on an old disco) so it will be quite glamourous when my central locking works and my tailgate opens properly aswell!

Thanks for reading folks :)
Off eBay mate, 30 quid for the 4.

Got more problems now though :(

Went silverdale today, smashed indicator and surround, and ended up with bizarre wonky steering. Great! :(
great looking truck you have got there , and a very nice job you have done on it , what size tyres are they ?


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