Nice idea have done it on one of the traybacks. But none of this fancy braided stuff. Copper all the way and then the shortest ordinary £6 rubber flexes I could find with the standard fittings. It's constantly caked in mud so sexy isn't needed lol :)
Cheers boys :D

Yeah that was a fun little mention, I was just reading TOR a month or so ago and thought 'oh ****' I could send my swivel pics in, that was pretty much a disaster!

Nice to have it in print to share the story though! :D

In other news, just got home from a little laning trip out tonight, me and my mate have had to resort to impromptu weekday trips now due to zero time at weekends!

Anyway, I can report that the boosted headlamps are SO MUCH BETTER! :eek:

Literally like night and day, no pun intended, they were like candles before now they are headlamps to be proud of. Well chuffed with that result, and that's with muddy reflectors to be fair!

There is however a further lighting update for tomorrow :D
Got MOAR light?! :D


I'm sorry I couldn't help it, they were cheap!

Gonna build a removeable rally style light bar for the front for night time fast driving :D
looking better noisy, like the light mod, do you think it would do similar improvment on 300tdi??

also iv read somewhere on this thread about backlash but can i buggery find it, what did you do to resolve it? was it diffs or t box?

my issue is setting of i get the clunk, but now developed a whir whilst accelerating (more noticable at speed) did you have this too?
Surely a tin of Nitromors is the cheapest way to strip the paint off the car in front of you? :eek::eek::eek:

Love it. Like any LR job, one job done means another one created - time to move the strobes.
Right here's the beef chief, REMOVE THIS POST RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My wee fella has seen this and bugger me guess what " daddy can we do this ? "

Mind you it does look awesome
Hi chaps :)


Rob, tried nitromors but it was too messy :D

Regards the strobes, these spotlamps are only for temporary use, like you say one thing leads to another, but there simply isn't any more room up front :p

I'm only going to fit these if we're out at night, so most of the time it'll be no problem, when fitted the strobes do just poke around but hey it's a trade off!

Yeah mark I admit I did have to think about it and I have sort of tried to imagine how much surface area I may have lost but I came to the conclusion that the grille basically is just as restrictive and these are about 4" in front of the grill anyway, so I doubt there will be much if any noticeable airflow restriction, plus I reckon my viscous could handle it.

Tbh I'll be interested to see if it does make a difference :)

And finally sorry pal, urm, what can I say? :p

Best get on eBay :D

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