<cough> I have a 3 door Disco that's doing nothing .. the engine, gearbox, axles etc are all being used, but the body is reasonable .. and I have a complete 3 door wiring loom .. ;)
Ooo awesome plan. I've been scanning ebay and the like for 3 door commercial models with the idea of a body swap so I can have a bobtail and cut more of the arch out as I'm on the limit with my 5 door and I fear the 35x10.5 Simex's I have may rub a lot.

But I didn't think about the idea of fitting 3 door panels. Where on earth would you start with that??

This is all a bit of a pipe dream currently as I really need to get a working gearbox in :eek:
But with one of my rear arches starting to go it would make for an interesting idea

Where do you start?

I'll show you :p
Is the driver/passenger door the same on a 3door as a 5 door? If so, the rear quarter panel should just bridge the gap between the B and C pillar, at least in terms of the outer skin anyway..... In theory.
Yep door are the same, just bolt on the three door quarter, and then fill in the gaps

Dimensionally the cars are identical, just the rear doors that alter things a bit, but should be no big deal, I'm not scared of cutting the ####er up :D
I like the sound of turning mine into a 3 door, especially if it's just a case of swapping the outer skin and weldierising some steel onto the inside. I'm sure it's more complicated than it sounds though.
I honestly don't expect much more than that

The outer panel will bolt on and then there will be half a door aperture that needs welderising and maybe a few panel brackets here and there

Will have a good look round the donor vehicle and pinch what i can ready cut!
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I can see your plan Sam, keep lift low and allow more room for upward travel by tubbing, the only issue I can't see you getting round is you'll end up having no steering lock with wide tyres? You'll end up with a 'shuffle bug' on tight corners, or am I missing something
Ah well when you put it like that piece if ****.
I expect you'll have it done in an afternoon :p

You gonna buy a complete doner vehicle or can you get the panels new?
I can see your plan Sam, keep lift low and allow more room for upward travel by tubbing, the only issue I can't see you getting round is you'll end up having no steering lock with wide tyres? You'll end up with a 'shuffle bug' on tight corners, or am I missing something

Not sure tim will need to measure up

I mean there is currently enough clearance from what I can see

But I really don't until I offer a tyre up

Will probably buy one first for testing!
Heheheh, dunno, it's been stood a year and had seats and stuff pushed in the boot .. as well as a load of stuff un-bolted and moved .. ;)

If you're really interested I#ll get some pics tomorrow, anywhere you particularly want to look at?
Heh, not looked at it for a long while .. it's a little crappy round the bottom .. but not insurmountable issues .. ;)

Both sides had arches trimmed, and both have some alloy to steel corrosion where it bolts through.

Off side
The bottom edge was cut off 'cos it was in bad shape, the marking on it is Duct tape residue, at the time it didn't matter .. ;)





The 'split' between panels was the only actual damage from the drowning, apart from losing a safari glass panel .. ;)




If you want it I'll need a few weeks to sort out bits I need from it, diffs, and various, maybe even the chassis 'cos I know that's very good, and arrange disposal of the rest before we take the sides off and let rain in .. though if needed quickly I guess I can stick a tarp on it .. I'd prefer to keep the roof, and door, but if necessary to you no worries ..;)

What's it worth to you? Or what you got of similar value to you that you consider worth swapping?

I'm amenable to almost any offer .. ;)
I'm sorry Paul but I think those panels will be too rough for what I'm ideally looking for

Seeing as this is starting from scratch I'd like the panels as straight as poss cos they'll be so kind of template

And the fact that they are cut is not ideal either

So for the time being thank you, but the disco can remain a shelter for now, in,was I get desperate!

Cheers :)
No problem mate. It's been a long time since I looked at it, though I see it every day!
noisy i may know of some coming up soon if guy decdes to split, if he does il get pics and can always store them at mine....il drop him a message now

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