So let me get this right you researched all about defenders and their many benefits/faults and then proceeded to buy one with no chassis number?
So let me get this right you researched all about defenders and their many benefits/faults and then proceeded to buy one with no chassis number?

I must have missed it, because I do not see him stating that anywhere? where did you see him say that?

Get yo money back or prospectively sue the first inspector.
Yu employed him as an expert and as such he has responsibilities and liabilities ( and insurance?).
Thanks for all the replies, I appreciate the time taken to help me out.

I'm going to review all info provided regarding the pre purchase inspection & will respond to all questions posted in this thread later this evening once I've done so.

Put some pics up using photobucket:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:.
You can also load them directly from your chosen device ;):D

If the chassis number and engine number have been ground off it is very likely to be stolen, you need to get the police to look at it to confirm if it is or isn't and they need to get a proper stolen vehicle examiner to look at it. Don't bother doing anything else with it, because if it is stolen then it is not yours.
Just seen your first post, where you say that it is a 1990 90 with a retro fitted 300tdi, sorry, but there are more and more alarm bells ringing, I will be very surprised if it is not stolen.
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I must have missed it, because I do not see him stating that anywhere? where did you see him say that?


That makes it even worse so you think the op bought it blind with no knowledge of the car? even though he mentions that it was a 200 and is now a 300 tells me hes got some limited knowledge at the very least and as its his first landy one has to assume hes done some research?

You never know I might just be able to sell mine if all the buyers are as daft as that!
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That makes it even worse so you think the op bought it blind with no knowledge of the car? even though he mentions that it was a 200 and is now a 300 tells me hes got some limited knowledge at the very least and as its his first landy one has to assume hes done some research?

You never know I might just be able to sell mine if all the buyers are as daft as that!
I think that is a bit unfair. I've bought loads of cars without doing any research or grubbing around looking for engine and chassis numbers and I suspect many of us have. Basically we look at the condition, listen to the engine run and if lucky take it for a test drive. The only research most do is comparing the price to similar vehicles and researching known faults. I bought my landy from a bloke called Cosmo and picked it from a yard in the middle of nowhere. I paid in advance via PayPal before even seeing the car. That would have rung alarm bells for many (including my missus) but it's all part of life's adventure innit. My landy by the way, is great despite quite a few initial problems. Many people laughed when I bought him saying I was mad and that I'd end up scrapping it within a couple of months. I've had him 3 years now and he keeps getting better.

Sorry to hear your woes.

Did you buy it from a dealer?

Did the click mechanic ( whatever that is) provide a guarantee of service in writing of any sort?

ClickMechanic is basically a "middle man" who puts you in touch with local mechanics, and provide fast/definitive quotes online.

I bought the car privately, as to a guarantee of service there's a 118 point check which I booked and have a receipt for, so I suppose me buying that service and ClickMechanic agreeing to provide it constitutes offer & acceptance and a contract of sorts.
Yes, follow Neillys advice and don't just acept that you have been placed in danger. Imagine, if you will, the potential ramifications, if you had been travelling with your family or friends, you could have driven into an oncoming or standing obstacles which might have caused fatalities. The potential outcome doesn't bear thinking about.

Thanks for the reply, that's precisely why I'm so angry. Not only have I lost out financially because of this inspector, I've been driving friends, colleagues, family around for weeks in this truck. I'm definitely not going to roll over here.

One 4x4 specialists dangerous faults, give us lots of money to repair it, is another mans " well its a land rover, they all do that".
You would be dead and on your roof is another way of saying give us a blank cheque if you want to live much longer.
How much did they quote for repairs.

I definitely agree with what you're saying there, but the 4x4 specialist I visited is very reputable and well known. In addition, they did a full inspection and took me round explaining to me as they did so, all of the points they were picking up. They fixed the steering box there and then free of charge and offered to call the original inspector for me.

I feel in good hands with these but think I will get a second opinion as a case of once bitten twice shy.
Might be wise to go back to the seller and ask for a full refund first, if it is a ringer then you might be the one who takes the hit, could be stolen or written off and you would be out on a limb.
Could take pictures and then report your suspicion later.

I don't know where I stand with a refund, as no guarantee of the vehicles condition was provided & foolishly I don't have a receipt/proof of sale drafted up. I also couldn't go back to the seller and say I reckon it's stolen, can I have a refund. But st the same time like you say, I don't want to take the hit.

I put faith in the inspector to establish these things before buying the vehicle, which he failed to do so which makes me inclined to pursue him for blame.

Almost certainly a ringer. Does the chassis number look like it has been ground off or has a new dumb iron been welded in? Other indicators of a ringer - has the vin plate been attached with new rivets? Is there a vin number on the dash below where the tax disc used to go (don't know what year LR started to put one there perhaps somebody could advise?). The seller is going to say "thats not the vehicle I sold" and the inspector is going to say "thats not the vehicle I examined". Were you present when it was examined? If it was mine I would get the police to look at it and let them pursue the seller and the examiner. It ain't your car and you will be on the wrong side of the law if you try and dispose of it (assuming it is a ringer).

Thanks for the response. Chassis number looks like it's been ground off. I'll have a look at the vin numbers later on and update. The vehicle does have the cars registration on the windows of the car in small white writing. I want to be certain that I need to go to the police before I do so, or I'll be repaying a loan for 3 years that I used to buy a stolen car. :(


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