Well mine is all wired in proffesionally now with just over £3000 worth of Alpine Audio and Dvd + Sat Navigation installed.
Dvd also works with handbreak off for optimum viewing, :)
Yeah, nice one. Let us know when you've smashed your Freelander up!
Just hope no one gets hurt when it happens.
djaj said:
Well mine is all wired in proffesionally now with just over £3000 worth of Alpine Audio and Dvd + Sat Navigation installed.
Dvd also works with handbreak off for optimum viewing, :)

will you be posting a flash reply bragging about the kids you killed when you smashed into a people carrier with 2 adults and 4 kids in it driving up the m1 at 65mph minding their own business, enjoying the drive to their 2 week holiday on the south coast and then out of nowhere this cock sure ****er comes banging into them writing off their car, killing all 4 children and ruining their lives all because he was watching a ****ing television in his car whilst driving at 70 mph
I'm gob smacked you can't see the error of your ways. It is so dangerous having a DVD player displaying images whilst your driving. The temptation is there to watch it.
And as for lowering the threads tone into the gutter, well, sums up your mentality doesn't it. Just like playground banter from my school days.
There's a big difference to watching a DVD and having Sat Nav. Sat nav is an aid, it assists in finding your way on a journey. I never drive and watch my sat nav screen, it's boring. I merely glance at it to check up coming turns, just as I would glance ay my dials to check engine speed, road speed, fuel etc.
A DVD is designed to be WATCHED, not glanced at. Where as a DVD has the potential to hold your attention for quite some time a sat nav screen will hold it for say 2 seconds at most.
If you drive watching your sat nav screen you should be removed from the road, it's not a f**king games console, watch the road!
Tut Tut on the guys last but one post, not nice and should be removed and a warning issued, we can all get carried away on the keyboard at times BUT HIS COMMENTS ARE WAY OUT OF ORDER.

I agree running a DVD whilst driving isnt a good idea, but its his choice, if he chooses to do it and risk having an accident or getting done by the Police (Driving without due care) or similar then leave him to it.

I dont think it warrants 3 pages of posts, we can all jump on the moral high ground but people will always do what they want as they will always know better, until it all goes t#ts up.

He (djaj) should be ashamed of himself for posting a message response like that.

I am sure he will not be driving for very long with his attitude, just hope he does not kill anyone with his irresponsible attitude.
That's my concern! He'll climb out of his car unhurt, other people will suffer. Lets face it an out of control Freelander is going to do some serious damage. All because some poser wants to show off in a jumped up Freelander.
Totaly agree with all, and as far as i'm concerned he's not welcome. Obviously moderators can't be on all the time and this site does take very little moderating (because were all very responsible people of course:)). Thanks to Slodge for using the report button, if anyone see's any posta that seem too offensive please use the report button, it helps to sort the siutuation much quicker!.
But for now.. djaj has been banned!
djaj said:
Bottom Line: No diffference to having dvd on than to watching sat nav on a journey.....

Just one piece of advice: In case of an accident you caused and God hopefully prevents you of having one, but just in case, and the insurance company can prove or have the slightest suspicion you were watching that DVD player while driving I am afraid you will have to kiss goodbye to their coverage. (Same as drunk driving I'm afraid). But just to give you peace of mind, just call your insurance company and ask their opinion/position regarding this (don't forget to mention it's supposed to work only with the handbrake on but that you "managed" to by-pass that).

Sorry, hadn't seen djaj was banned, so my above post will remain unnoticed to him, I hope (for him) he will get some sense and ask around before he starts doing what he's intended to do.
i would just like to say a big thank you to accywingy for banning this member for his stupidity. i realise that i got a bit wound up over this issue but when you have young children some things really do push the limits of stupidity. i appologise for my bad language but i must say that the language that was coming out of my mouth as i was reading his posts was far worse than i posted.i felt it was the only way i could actually make him take any notice of his foolishness. i hope i didn't offend anyone in my posting and if i did i am truly sorry, this wasn't my plan. many thanks to everyone who agreed with me on this and a big thanks to splodge for reporting it. ;)
Think ya probably expressed wot we was all thinking Yella you did well to expose dijab for what he was a right Pratt , fine line tween a wind up and stupidity . . .
Bravo :D
Yella, your post was fine, just stating what we all felt. He wound me up but I tried so hard to stay cool. He honestly couldn't see the error in his ways.....****!

I hope no one thinks I am a googy goody for reporting that idiot. We all have a bit of friendly banter but he took it far to far.

I was trying to ignor the idiot but in the end couldn't, it's fools like that that really get to me he was such a irresponsible idiot.

Yella Disco just said what we were all thinking and I am glad he did because it highlighted what a **** that bloke was.

Now he has gone lets keep all the good friendly banter going its what makes the forum work.

I feel a bit guilty for what I did but in the end had to. I especially hope I have caused no offence to the real members of the forum.
Np guilt needed, a forum is only there because of the people that use it! keep up the good work one and all, and lets try to have the biggest and best land rover forum on the net!!

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