Slodge, you may be a new member, but in the end you found the report button, one I didn't know existed until now!

So had it been there is big capitals I would have hit it too, good job, and welcome to the forum.
We all enjoy a bit of banter - no one knows this better than Yella, Ming and Slob - but this guy took it way too far. Well sorted by all concerned.
Let's only hope that his freelander stays where it's happiest - on a low loader back to the dealer to be fixed!:D
discomania said:
Slodge, you may be a new member, but in the end you found the report button, one I didn't know existed until now!

I've been around for a month or so and I am still looking for it! (I've got weeks of back log to catch up on! ;) )


Philthy said:
We all enjoy a bit of banter - no one knows this better than Yella, Ming and Slob - but this guy took it way too far. Well sorted by all concerned.
Let's only hope that his freelander stays where it's happiest - on a low loader back to the dealer to be fixed!:D
what?me?what have i done?? i'm innocent! a big boy did it then ran away! it wasn't me! honest
djaj said:
so i can watch (sort of) or listen to films whilst i driving long distances.
I also intend to plug it into the 2 rear mounted monitors i have in the back for me kids.

So whats the problem? why ban this guy? I for one am sat on the fence on this, I would dislike dvd watching while driving as much as i dislike sat nav owners who decide to program while driving,using mobile while driving, speeding, drink driving and so on. In djaj's defence he did state (sort of), could he mean Glancing at the screen?
I for one am guilty of at least 1 of these, ok maybe all of them! except the dvd & dd.
what was unfair was the disco police jumping down his throat on the freelander forum? then djaj getting banned?
If yella wants to save lives go drive in the outside lane at 40mph on the M62?

I think you'll find he was banned for his vulgar attack on Yella, not coz for his f@wit views on DVD players. I think the post has been removed when he was banned?
Rammy said:
Thanks Philthy.

Guess I missed this:mad: , just my luck to miss best bit. Anybody copy & past it:D.
Yes you missed it, but in defence of yella [and the disco boys] and also the freelander boys , we all were gob smacked at this stupid thread he sent to yella, and so he was correctly hounded ,but i dont think he shocked any one , just way o t t , so dont worry Rammy. . .:) :) :)
Yep thyats right, as pointed out he was banned for 1 extremely offensive post. I deleted his post at the time because if there was a small chance it would put off potential new Landyzoners (is that actually a word??) then it wasn't staying. and to be fair it has to be pretty offfensive to be deleted on here..
Yeah like banning me is really going to keep me out the forums.I will just keep re-creating additional names to get my points across so go ahead and ban me again, i be back on in 10 mins or next time i log in.
my system is all fitted and in perfect working order now.I can't believe how contradictive the majority of you are..i bet 90% of you all glance freely at a sat nav (whats the difference to me having a film on mainly listening to it but occasionally having a quick glance at traffic lights etc...(i'll tell ya what, no difference)

DJAJ 2 (The best just got better)
djaj2 said:
pml... bottom line - i still here...

Shouldn't that read "I'm still here"?
And what's that got to do with this thread? You're hardly a computer hacker changing your logon name :confused: My 12 yead old sister can do that.
djaj2 said:
Yeah like banning me is really going to keep me out the forums.I will just keep re-creating additional names to get my points across so go ahead and ban me again, i be back on in 10 mins or next time i log in.
my system is all fitted and in perfect working order now.I can't believe how contradictive the majority of you are..i bet 90% of you all glance freely at a sat nav (whats the difference to me having a film on mainly listening to it but occasionally having a quick glance at traffic lights etc...(i'll tell ya what, no difference)

DJAJ 2 (The best just got better)

Fine by me mate, but if you really want to be annoying and stay annonymous, i would suggest registering with an email address that hasn't got your name in it next time!! lets see who gets bored first eh!
accywingy said:
Fine by me mate, but if you really want to be annoying and stay annonymous, i would suggest registering with an email address that hasn't got your name in it next time!! lets see who gets bored first eh!
Does he not understand he can be dealt with by the law for rude forum threads [mind you he is thick]. . .:mad:

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