He was driving a Merc M Class.....

One - he's a **** for buying it
Two - he's a **** for driving it like a ****
Three - he redeems himself for knowing he is in a incapable 4x4 so doesn't offer a tow, as he would only make himself look like more of a ****....:D

I wouldn't have expected him to offer anyone a tow, that hill was seriously slippy so it wasn't going to happen, but he could have got out and pushed with everyone else but instead just sat there, arms crossed, doors locked, with 4 snooty friends in the car with him (who also did not help) and then blasted his horn to signal he was coming past...and then got stuck. Perfect!
Its not the ML thats the problem, they are actually pretty good in the slippy stuff, my mate has one and would help anyone but he can also drive. Problem is **** of a driver with probable low profile tyres = disaster. X5's though are crap in anything but a motorway. Mike I would have left the arse there aswell.
Is there an agreed forum rate for BMW ditch pulls/tows this winter ? divide the country up in to local regions and away we go :)
He was driving a Merc M Class.....

One - he's a **** for buying it
Two - he's a **** for driving it like a ****
Three - he redeems himself for knowing he is in a incapable 4x4 so doesn't offer a tow, as he would only make himself look like more of a ****....:D
It sounds like he could be a **** :D:D:D
I do like helping people out when the weather springs a surprise i.e. heavy snow, but there are alot of ****s who go out in unsuitable cars in bad weather and just drive till they get ****ing stuck. They cause big problems and should think twice before attempting their route. Fair enough if you are already at work and it comes down thick during the day but if you open the curtains in the morning and its white why on earth even attempt it.

I know people are under pressure to get to work and stuff but either equip yourself with a car that can make the journey or have a back up plan of alternative transport.
Mine was good in the snow last year.. But a few words of advice .
Just because its 4 wheel drive wont stop it sliding off in to a ditch or skiding into the car in front .
Take it easy and you will be fine...

Yep be careful out there ;)

Grant :)
Is there an agreed forum rate for BMW ditch pulls/tows this winter ? divide the country up in to local regions and away we go :)

I didn't charge anyone last year but one very kind lady and her husband insisted on giving us a tenner for helping them out, which was nice.

However, we were passing by and offered a lift. This year, if it's as bad and people are stuck I will go out for a day to help and tow, but will ask for a tenner a tow. This isn't a lack of charity on my part, I do plenty for nowt and will happily push for free, but I could easily use a tank of fuel in a day (£100!) towing people up hills, so a tenner a tow is reasonable I feel.

As I said, if I'm passing by and someone is stuck and in need of trouble I'll always help out. But if I am specifically out there to help clear roads by towing cars then you can't afford to do that all day for nothing, we'd all be skint!!
Use the tiptronic box pal.
Also select your gear first.
Ie look at the hill and think ok i may manage 3 rd up there.
So attack the hill in 3rd and do not change up .
Use your hill decent and low box as required.

Beware of ice.
Yes its a 4x4 but they do tend to skate on ice a bit.

Buy a hand pully from boat or caravan shop( about 20 quid)
carry a good 3foot + iron bar. And a hammer to knock the bar into the ground.
So if ya do find your self in a ditch.
Hammer the bar into the ground and crank yourself out with the hand pulley.

Good luck and enjoy the snow
Use the tiptronic box pal.
Also select your gear first.
Ie look at the hill and think ok i may manage 3 rd up there.
So attack the hill in 3rd and do not change up .
Use your hill decent and low box as required.

Beware of ice.
Yes its a 4x4 but they do tend to skate on ice a bit.

Buy a hand pully from boat or caravan shop( about 20 quid)
carry a good 3foot + iron bar. And a hammer to knock the bar into the ground.
So if ya do find your self in a ditch.
Hammer the bar into the ground and crank yourself out with the hand pulley.

Good luck and enjoy the snow

Thanks for the good info mate :)
Buy a hand pully from boat or caravan shop( about 20 quid)
carry a good 3foot + iron bar. And a hammer to knock the bar into the ground.
So if ya do find your self in a ditch.
Hammer the bar into the ground and crank yourself out with the hand pulley.

I honestly can't see this working...have you tried?
Are those pulleys even strong enough even if you could get the leverage to turn the pulley ?

I dont reckon so - most of the hand pulleys I have seen are rated to around 1,000kg - a Range Rover weighs in excess of 2,000kg without being stuck!

Plus, I cannot see any post getting enough purchase to not be ripped out the ground.

Having said that, I'm happy for video footage to prove me wrong!
I dont reckon so - most of the hand pulleys I have seen are rated to around 1,000kg - a Range Rover weighs in excess of 2,000kg without being stuck!

Plus, I cannot see any post getting enough purchase to not be ripped out the ground.

Having said that, I'm happy for video footage to prove me wrong!

Yeah but he's going to pull it, not lift it. How do you think a 200 ton tug pulls and pushes a 100,000 ton tanker.
Yeah but he's going to pull it, not lift it. How do you think a 200 ton tug pulls and pushes a 100,000 ton tanker.

True....but 2 tons of metal stuck in the mud is gonna need more force to move it than free wheeling on the road! That's like asking the same tug boat to pull the same tanker through an iceberg...
A hand winch rated at 1000Kgs will shift most things if you can find a place to anchor it to.
I'm slightly worried about how my l322 will perform ! With all weather 20" wide ass Tyres :S

Any one else have any advise on what theirs was like last year with standard Tyres ??


Hippo - I've got 20" rims off a RR Sport on my P38, with ridiculous wide, low profile tyres. They're crap in the snow / ice. Arguably better than a 2WD car and standard tyres.... but still not great.

I had a bit of a mishap a couple of years ago (the year everyone ran out of grit...), and ended up sliding sideways down a hill - very embarrassing! Anyway, I then got myself a set of BF Goodrich All Terrain tyres on steel rims for when the white stuff comes. Now, those tyres are awesome! Grip on a snow covered road is unbelievable, and confidence inspiring. I've helped out a few folks with towing up hills etc with those on - but my 'summer' tyres wouldn't have had the grip.

They're not cheap, but I justified it to myself (and the missus) by treating them as 'protecting' the expensive alloys & tyres, and I'll have the car for a few years yet.

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