You can use a little diesel, it'll smoke like a good'n on firing up but normally it's used to help unsieze stuck things like pistons.
You can use a little diesel, it'll smoke like a good'n on firing up but normally it's used to help unsieze stuck things like pistons.
Not really trying to unseize them..

we're trying to dissolve the carbon around the rings ;)
Marvel Miystery oil, in sparkplug holes leave for a few days, instructions you will find on tinternet ?
Thanks wooly123 but, as i've now got the Redex I'll give that a try first, if that doesn't work I'll try Marvel or shoot myself, one or tuther.:rolleyes:
Well still alive so back again. Managed to get redex in the bores 6 weeks ago so it had plenty of time to do it's stuff. Together with new plugs, leads, cap, coil etc. the combination appears to have worked, she fired up, smoked a bit but has now settled down almost smoke free :) (after having a second set of new leads, 2 of the first set failedo_O) given the chance to do a reasonable road run I'm sure she'll clear completely, like any Landy owner, an eternal optimist! As I couldn't do a compression test before redex due to time constraints, I've now checked 7 out of 8, lowest 160, highest 190, happy with that, the other 1, well it's No.3 and my compression tester has less than 1/2" of thread and wouldn't catch the threads in the plug hole, the plug catches the bottom of the threads and does tighten up correctly so I'm leaving it well alone until it's plug change time again (many months if not years away). So, big thanks to all who contributed, the problems that have arisen since are on new threads as appropriate.

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